[PATCH 1.4.6] HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Many Quality of Life improvements


Woodpunk is an exhilarating roguelike bullet hell retro pixel art shooter in a medieval Woodpunk universe, where the primary energy resource is WOOD.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33021242/16911e2911ed47b45cf55caf028d2a826d814987.gif[/img] [h1]Happy Holidays![/h1] Long time no see! Hope you guys are having wonderful holidays with family and friends! In this update we've included several[b] Quality of Life [/b]Improvements thanks to your feedback! [list] [*] Some items and obstacles are easier to tell apart from the background (looking at you, lamp posts). [*] All hazards in the game that cause damage to the player now have a bright red glow; no exceptions. If it doesn't have a red glow, it doesn't do damage, and vice-versa. [*] Made some projectiles easier to spot, no matter the background. [*] Colorblind mode expanded extensively. It now turns all hazards and player damage sources into blue as well (as opposed to just some of the most important). [/list] We've also made some [b]balance[/b] changes: [list] [*] Melee enemies now what for a while after you spawn before they rush to attack you. [*] Projectiles tossed by brutes (brown guys in World 1 and Survival) no longer bounce off stuff and instantly break on impact. [*] Jump recovery on regular jetpack reduced from 0.5s to 0.15s [*] Boss 1 shoots arrows a little slower [*] Boss 3 now moves faster [*] Artifacts (enemy turrets) in Worlds 3-5 now have less health [/list] Some [b]minor bugs [/b]have been fixed! Well guys that is all for now! Hope you guys have fun these holidays and buy many games throughout the steam sales! The Dev Team