April's Update: 3 New Suits!


Woodpunk is an exhilarating roguelike bullet hell retro pixel art shooter in a medieval Woodpunk universe, where the primary energy resource is WOOD.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33021242/96432cbb00192f8ef89b247444caadd7b44fa8eb.png[/img] [h1][b]TL;DR[/b][/h1] [h1]NEW STUFF[/h1] 3 new suits! [list] [*] FlamePunk [*] SpinnerPunk [*] MetaPunk [/list] [h1] BUGS[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed a FRIGGING ANNOYING bug where the end-level pod sometimes would not launch until you jumped into it several times. Fixed forever! It's done! :) [*] Fixed a few display bugs when repeating the tutorial in two-player mode. [*] Fixed a bug with the Flamepunk suit death animation. [*] Fixed a small bug with Theo's wall in 2-player mode. [*] Fixed a few small bugs with enemy death animations. [*] Fixed some extra backend errors. [*] Fixed bug where the screen would zoom out sometimes, severely altering gameplay. [*] Fixed a tiny display problem on the tech tree. [*] Fixed a tiny graphics glitch with melee weapons after using skills from suits with alternative jet-pack attacks. [*] Fixed a rare bug where the drop pod could keep burning forever when lit of fire, damaging players when they tried to board it. [/list] [h1]BALANCE[/h1] [list] [*] Artifact HP on World 2 slightly reduced. [*] Reduced the maximum time for "Protect the Machine" levels, making them slightly shorter. [*] Overall gun and melee weapon durability slightly reduced. [*] Necromancer boss given a little more health. [*] StonePunk is now a tiny biny little faster now. [*] SnotPunk deals a more damage now with his skill. [*] Strengthened the spread guns (shotguns): Damage gets spread more evenly among enemies, and they shoot slightly (10%) faster [*] Buffed lower level arrow guns slightly; they now have a greater push effect on the enemies. Level 3 arrows stay the same. [/list] [h1]OTHER[/h1] Further improvements to the pathfinding system [b]Description:[/b] Well, a lot of work into the latest update. Firstly let’s talk about the 3 new suits on this update: [b]FlamePunk:[/b] “Now I play with fire, but I don’t want to get myself burned” [list] [*] With this suit you will be immune to fire [*] You will receive more damage from pools of liquid [*] Your weapons will degrade faster [*] And your jetpack is replaced with a “meteordash” skill that damages everything in its path. [/list] To unlock FlamePunk suit you will have to burn down 3000 building tiles and items. The FlamePunk suit is perfect to escape out of tight situations while damaging and destroying everything in your way! [i]Some men just want to watch the world burn, right?[/i] [b]SpinnerPunk:[/b] “Well, this fad got old fast” [list] [*] Your jetpack has 400% more air [*] And you cannot move normally… [/list] Remember those glorious months back in 2017 when Fidget Spinners were the thing? There was even a golden one sold for 17.000$! Aquinas hasn’t forgotten, and he thought it was one of the best inventions every made! (Not by him, of course) He decided to attach one to one of his suits to increase his flying time! [b]MetaWoodPunk:[/b] “This isn’t even my final form!” [list] [*] Weapon fabrication cooldown (and stamina cost) reduced by 75% [*] Weapon durability severely reduced [/list] To unlock the MetWoodPunk suit you wil have to unlock everything in the tech tree, so yeah it will take a while [i](but not longer than those 5 minutes in Namek…)[/i] As for the rest of the update, there’re a couple things worth diving deeper into, mainly surrounding the [b]shot gun[/b] and the [b]arrow ammunition[/b]. The main feedback we received about these weapons / components is that they are quite underwhelming, so again, we applied elbow grease and reworked them a bit, making the shot-gun more damaging and faster, while making the level 1 and 2 arrows knock back enemies and bit further. We also believed that the [b]StonePunk[/b] and [b]SnotPunk[/b] suit weren’t as useful as they could be, so Aquinas made the StonePunk suit a bit faster and made the SnotPunk pool more damaging (now it’s not just an evading skill!) [h1]Tell us what you think![/h1]