CHINESE NEW YEAR UPDATE 1.02.03 | 04/02/2019


Woodpunk is an exhilarating roguelike bullet hell retro pixel art shooter in a medieval Woodpunk universe, where the primary energy resource is WOOD.

[img][/img] [b][h1]TL;DR[/h1][/b] [u] New Stuff [/u] [list] [*][b]Now you can keep weapons between stages[/b] [*]Weapon Degradation system [*]Tinkerer Suit [*]New tech in the Tech Tree [*]Theo now crafts weapons depending on collected scrap, not cooldown [*]Chinese New Year Theme [*]Dragonpunk Suit [*]2 new weapons: Wooden plank and the pea musket [/list] [u] Quality of Life Improvements [/u] [list] [*] Windowed Mode [*] Achievements can be seen In Game [*] New Tech available message in the GAME OVER screen [/list] [u] Bugs [/u] [list] [*] Game doesn’t unpause anymore in the option menu [*] Tile set now changes in survival mode [*] Shield bearers now don’t attack when frozen [*] Now your weapon won’t shoot automatically if you shoot while reloading [*] Corrected a bug that made Crusaderpunk not deal all his damage [/list] [u] Balancing [/u] [list] [*] Several small changes [/list] [i]Oaky-dokey[/i], let’s dive deeper and explain every point. This one’s going to be a biggie. [h1] New Stuff [/h1] [u] Technology and weapon degradation [/u] So yeah, to start off, let’s explain the biggest change in this update. [b]Now you can keep your weapons between stages[/b]. This mechanic has been one of the main changes you guys have been asking for: From this update onwards, you will be able to keep weapons between stages. You will still start with a randomized weapon depending on the technology you have invested in the tech tree, but after you complete one of the stages, you will keep your weapon! But you guys already know that we like to keep the game challenging. Introducing this new mechanic without any countermeasures [i]woodn’t[/i] be our style. What’s the main problem of using wood as your main construction material? Wood breaks really easily, so now [b]weapons will degrade[/b] over time. As you may already now, ranged weapons are made out of 3 components. With the new [b]weapon degradation system[/b], if you use a weapon too much, it will break down and fall a level. Each component will degrade at a different rate, meaning that if you have for example a weapon consisting of a level 3 ice cannon, level 2 large chamber and a level 3 auto-grip, if you use the weapon too much, it may fall down to a level 2 ice cannon, level 2 large chamber and a level 3 auto-grip. Melee weapons work slightly differently. As they are made out of 1 component, they will just directly drop down a level. But what happens if you just continue using your weapons, will they just stop degrading? Well this is where the [b]new weapons, the wooden plank and the pea musket™ [/b], come into play. Once your weapons have degraded too much and all of its components have broken, these will fall off of the weapon and you will play with Aquinas’ new baseline weapons. These weapons can be upgraded in the technology tree, and do not worry, [b]these weapons are not given out randomly[/b]. Once you have upgraded their technology[b], you will always have them available[/b], so no random level 1 wooden plank when you already have developed the level 2 technology. Don’t worry everything will be [i]pine[/i], we’ll help you out with the new system. While you kill enemies, there’ll be a small chance that they drop a small lootbox… sorry I mean [b]toolbox that will repair your weapons [/b] Aquinas prepared a [b]new suit[/b] to experiment with the degradation system, Tinkerpunk. Thanks to this suit, your weapons will degrade much less while the toolboxes will repair your weapons more than usual. Nice, right? This [i]wood[/i] be too easy. You better like the weapon you get because Theo will take his sweet time to craft a new weapon if you ask him while wearing the Tinkerpunk suit. While we’re talking about Theo, we’ve changed the way he crafts new weapons. Instead of having a set cool down to craft a new weapon, it will now depend on the amount of scrap both Aquinas and Theo are collecting (This is already what happens in local co-op mode). We’ve also included new tech in the Tech Tree to help you battle the Medici. There’ll be new things to investigate in all branches. In the Tank branch, the tech involves bettering the wooden plank; giving it more range, more damage, and more attack speed. In the Experimental branch, you’ll be able to upgrade the pea musket; making it more accurate, increasing its damage and increasing its chamber size. The tinkerer branch will have new tech involving weapon crafting and the new degradation system. If you invest here, you will need less scrap to craft a new weapon, the toolboxes you’ll pick up will have a larger effect on the repairs, and/or you’re weapons will degrade slower. And lastly, in the experimental branch you’ll be able to upgrade the musket pea shooter. [u] Chinese New Year Event[/u] To celebrate the year of the pig, we’ve prepared a new special event that will happen once a year. The villagers have been working hard on their towns to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The villages are now full of blossomed Cherry trees, lamp posts and lanterns. The entrances to the villages have also been changed to resemble Chinese gates. Aquinas also wants to celebrate the Chinese New Year by becoming a powerful dragon, but you’ll have to pay 50,000 scrap to be able to use it! Dragons represent luck, therefore when Aquinas uses the Dragonpunk suit, the player will be lucky and there’ll be more drops! Dragons are flying creatures, it is known, and when Aquinas attacks while using the jetpack, he will deal more damage to the white walkers… I mean the Medici army. The problem is that dragons are judgmental creatures, they need to know if you’re worthy of their hearts (or half of it), and they’re not willing to use unworthy weapons. Be careful if your weapon degrades too much and breaks down to the baseline pea musket and wooden plank, as they’ll deal less damage. [h1] Quality of Life Improvements [/h1] We’ve included a couple of features that we hope enhances your experience with WOODPUNK. Now, you will be able to play in windowed mode in case you dislike playing games full screen. Also, before this update, the tile set in Survival mode never changed. This made Survival mode a bit boring and repetitive. So, from now on, after defeating each boss every 5 rounds, the tile set will change! Some new players were forgetting they could invest their collected scrap in the tech tree. We saw this issue thanks to watching content creators play WOODPUNK. Now, in the “Game Over “screen [u](GiTgUd)[/u], a small message will appear when you have enough scrap to invest in the tech tree. [h1] BUG Fixes [/h1] Thanks a lot to all the players that reported any bugs they encountered through our Steam discussion boards or Discord. We corrected an extremely rare bug that wood unpause the game while the menu was still visible, causing a lot of hassle. [i]Knock on wood [/i]. The cold never bothered the shield bearers anyway, so from time to time they wood attack when frozen. Lastly, the other rare bug we corrected is related to the weapon reload. If you pulled the trigger while the weapon was still reloading, it would prematurely go off([i] We swear it’s the first time this happened[/i])., We also corrected a minor bug where the Crusaderpunk suit was not dealing the correct damage with melee weapons. [h1] Balancing [/h1] From the last patch a couple of weeks ago to this one, there weren’t many weapon damage balancing issues worth describing deeply. Well guys, this is it for update 1.02.00! We hope you guys enjoy the changes, and as always were open to all the feedback you can gives us. Just head over to our [url=]Discord[/url] where you can also get the latest information on WOODPUNK! See you next time, wood cowboy!