Swordai 2023 Dueling Championships


Swordai is a melee extraction slasher with massive multiplayer dungeons, directional combat and a deep skill tree. Fight your way through monsters, bosses and other players in your quest to climb the tower.

Alpha 0.3.20 has been released and includes a ton of feature requests and UI polish driven by community feedback. It also includes a new NA East dedicated server that has decent ping for EU players and the new server will be used to host the 1v1 tournament. [b]Join the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2321890/view/6586007300357844022]alpha[/url] and hop on [url=https://discord.gg/mvatf85jF7]discord[/url] to participate in the first 1v1 tournament on December 9th at 10:30AM PT.[/b] Participants will join the "Duels" map which features Duel Climb mode where players fight 1v1 battles to ascend to higher platforms within the arena. There is no elimination and everyone is free to keep climbing for up to an hour. At 11:30am the 2 players on the highest platform (or 3 if two players are tied) will go to the Freeform map for a best of 3 final match. More details will be provided on discord. Along with the new server, patches 0.3.13 - 0.3.20 include a ton of improvements to the game, some of the highlights include: [list] [*] A ton of tweaks to the controls and inputs to add more customization and to smooth things out (reduce lockout, input buffering, better performance, etc). [*]Added a block trainer to freefrom that will spam attacks at you based on settings that you choose (attack directions to use, attack speed, whether you alternate attacks or randomize, etc). Eventually this will be part of the second phase of the tutorial but for now its just in freeform (you can play offline or on the server if you want to practice with ping) [*]Added a fountain to freeform to heal you between duels [*]Added a new type of NPC to Duel climb, the "Novice swordsman" so that there is an easier opponent for new players, based on feedback that even winning a single match was very hard. They always lose to the other NPCs so you are almost guaranteed to get one for your first match (if playing on the server). [*]Added mouse settings for inverted camera movement and sensitivity [*]Added keybindings for Kick, Emote, Kiai, Dodge, and Kata Reset (they first time you set them it may clear out some existing settings) [*]Added an emote menu with two flourishes and two taunts, default keybind is X [*]Added the ability to use number keys to interact with the radial menus (so you can emote with x1 to flourish) [*] A reset key for katas so you can instantly restart your current kata if you make an error [*] You can now start to input a new attack during the windup phase of a previous attack without hitting feint, so you can riposte -> feint up -> stab with block -> drag LMB up release, immediately drag LMB down release [*] Kicks no longer have a recovery period after you hit your target, so if you kick and stagger someone and miss the combo window you can still start a swing immediately [*]Changed the dodge ability timings a bit to make it significantly more responsive, play around with it and let me know what you think. As before you can dodge during your combo window. The main changes are initiating the movement faster and reducing the recovery period at the end. [/list] For a complete list see our discord: https://discord.gg/YyYnKn9dVP