Patch 0.4.8 -- Objectives, Block Trainer has Combo Blocks and Ripostes and more


Swordai is a melee extraction slasher with massive multiplayer dungeons, directional combat and a deep skill tree. Fight your way through monsters, bosses and other players in your quest to climb the tower.

Patch notes for 0.4.8 This patch is designed to get more feedback / data on the single player content by forcing you through the challenge of initiation prior to unlocking multiplayer. [list] [*] Added riposting and combo blocking to the block trainer based on a video @Fantas shared of using the block trainer on medium speed to practice block -> riposte -> combo block in a loop. The block trainer also now has a details panel that you can see by holding TAB that has helpful hints about blocking. [*] Added an objective display to the pause menu that tells you your current objective [*] Added a set of training objectives that you need to achieve in your home prior to unlocking the challenge of initiation so that you cannot get there without understanding riposting / combo blocking / kicking / combo attacks. [*] Changed the scale of the drag click sensitivity slightly, 1.0 now acts as 0.9 would have previously. [*] Added a visual effect to your charge meter when it gets full to make it more obvious [*] Increased the degree to which looking down or up moves your upper body so that you can matrix / swing manip a bit more. Also fixed an issue where looking up and down affected movement speed. [*] Fixed a visual bug where some hair styles with go through one of the helmets [*] Fixed a bug where on a dedicated server, a kata orb could have a feint clear client side but not server side (if you stammed out charging an attack right before reaching the required charge) so you would need to feint again [*] Possibly fixed a halarious bug where in rare cases during a kata colliding with an orb could send you flying across the map. It was very rare / hard to reproduce so I am not 100% sure its fixed [*] Made some performance optimizations that should only effect dedicated servers. It should allow for more players with less CPU usage. [*] Fixed a bug where the statues on the last stage of the trial of lava were the wrong size. [*] Fixed a bug where holding down 1 while that ability was on cooldown would spam the "ability on cooldown" message / sfx [*] Made freeform more bright [/list]