Sheltered 2 1.2.13 Release Notes

Sheltered 2

A brutal survival management simulator set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Keep your faction of survivors alive, maintain your shelter and scavenge the ravaged world for resources. Befriend and trade with the factions you meet or conquer them by force.

We've pushed another update live! We'll continue to enhance and tweak as much as we can :) [h3]Balancing Changes [/h3] [list] [*] [/list]Reduced the rate at which heat leaks out of rooms [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed an issue with rubbish appearing on the ceiling [*] Fixed an issue where psychotic desires were being given to characters that aren’t psychotic [*] Fixed missing duplicated wall decal (number 13) [*] Fixed an issue where the solar panel could no longer be cleaned [*] Fixed an issue where cats could become stuck “stalking the night” [*] Fixed an issue where the reading interaction for intelligence, perception and charisma books would use the currently selected character’s stats instead of the character performing the interaction [/list]