Road to Release: 3.75


Blackwake is a multiplayer naval FPS focused on teamwork and cooperation. Fire the cannons, sink enemy ships or board them with firearms and steel.

As we continue to move forward on our path out of early access (4.0), we have a new batch of both bug fixes and quality of life changes. - Fixed issue that caused some dead players to not respawn during initial grapple - Repairing mast segments now loop holding down LMB - Pressing/holding LMB before reaching a hole repair radius will now let you repair - Holding down LMB will now let you loop repairing multiple holes if they are within radius - Ship range toggle is now on by default and rebindable. FOR EXISTING PLAYERS you may need to rebind this key manually. - Players no longer collide with buckets - Ropes of your own ship now glow when not on board - Fixed UI issue not properly guiding you to your teams ship - Schooner nose should be smoother to walk across - Crews are now included in construction spawn protection - Captain loss and w:l removed from stat card to reduce toxic interactions, especially towards crews containing new players - Fixed pump/bucket placement on Xebec to not accidentally use the wrong item - Third person reload animations synced to be more reliable, fixed issue where they would loop continuously until a weapon change occurred - Ticket loss for non-grappled ships sinking is back after being unintentionally disabled due to the last patch - Ticket scaling by server has been adjusted to be less severe, and is also a server option 'useTicketScaling' In the next patch (3.77) we hope to introduce the early iteration of our single player tutorial so the community can begin to get a feel and provide feedback as it is completed in the coming months. Tyler & Dakota