[Progress] Big changes

One Last Day

[Alpha] Explore, hunt, be hunted, kill, destroy, build... Fight in a colorful, devastated world that everyone is trying to take for themselves. Do it yours, but remember your main goal at the start of the day; try to survive one last day.

Hi! Long time without an update. My life has become a bit more complicated and I have less time to develop the game, but it's still under development, of course! And talking about development, I'm here to tell you about a few changes than may change the game how looks, feels and plays. [h1]Traveling around the map[/h1] As you know, I have an infinite map on OLD working (not yet published, but working). This map is going to change a lot from the old system. When I was testing this new infinite map, I found the map boring, nothing to do, no progress. Yes, the essence is still the same, survive, but I wanted more, a partial goal or objectives to be done. So now we are talking about "pseudo-biomes". Don't expect biomes like other games, as instead, these zones will be some kind of map objective to be completed, for example a small town to be saved from some kind of enemy, an infected zone where you have to deactivate some kind of device, etc... This way you will gain access to a new safe zone to build and manage as you want. You will be still able to build wherever you want, whatever you want, but inside these safe zones you can build some pre-made buildings with a special function (refinery, resources producement, etc...). [h1]A better looking map[/h1] Since I can blend models and other stuff with the terrain using this new system, I'm improving stuff like adding minerals (not only textures, but with 3d models blended), better rocks to be collected on the surface, and maybe even different types of trees, grass and flowers, so you may expect big changes on how the game looks (or not so big) [h1]So...[/h1] So the goal is to make an insteresting sandbox mode, with a good looking map and making the fact of exploration something that you will want to do, or the fact of staying at the same place and make your own town enjoyable, changing the way that the game is played right now and adding some task other than survive. Sorry, no screenshots yet! I'm making some testing with all above and as soon I have something that looks really good I'll show you everything!