Development - On the horizon

One Last Day

[Alpha] Explore, hunt, be hunted, kill, destroy, build... Fight in a colorful, devastated world that everyone is trying to take for themselves. Do it yours, but remember your main goal at the start of the day; try to survive one last day.

Hi! It's been a while without an update here. These months every hour (or almost) went into programming. I had some big trouble with optimization because of infinite world + multiplayer + physics, but it's running quite well now. So, as I said, nothing too visual to show yet, just a few words for a few features. [h1]Travel a lot, but get a home[/h1] Take this words not for granted, as the design may vary along the development, but the goal is to achieve this. The new game design will make player travel. You will start in the center of the map, inside a relatively safe zone. Your main goal there is first to stablish a base and get some gear with crafting workbenches. Your ultimate goal is to travel outside the safe zone and find something, somewhere, but to do so you will need to progress, as there might be harder enemies or inaccesible areas which require new equipment. But don't worry! There will be some kind of fast travel for a little cost in case that you want to return to your base. [h1]Far, far away[/h1] With the new game design (or at least, what is supposed to be), it's important to see at least it there are mountains, forest or sea at the horizon. Now is possible. Voxels are very expensive to do this, but combining a low poly terrain system you can see what you can expect far away. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/8604501/d754ebcbd43afc6b96025320ef2e7f03dfe1b6c5.png[/img] The goal is to at least show big buildings on the distance, but for now only terrain is visible. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/8604501/28e82b26213562c94bf177df7f27126d2ecbd4dd.png[/img] [h1]Fight![/h1] Another thing that took a painful amount of time was to improve a bit the AI. It's still very basic, but I wanted enemies to search for a path, climb a bit and give player opportunities to attack instead of just turn into a fury tornado. The design of the new creatures and enemies are less "zombish" now, according to the new world design and "lore". This is the first enemy and the easiest and dumber, it replaces the basic zombie. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/8604501/0142f14f7d63ea864668e458c7a72e07855ecd7d.png[/img] To make combat a bit more dynamic, enemies can now be parried and staggered. Also hitting to certain parts will cause more or less damage. Of course there will be more enemies, and the farther you travel, the harder they will be. [h1]Playable version, when?[/h1] Technically the game is already playable, but with near zero content. Good thing is that all the foundations are almost finished (at the end there were more than I expected). So I expect this summer to publish a experimental branch version with very little content for everyone who wants to try it. Take it more like a "tech" demo. [h1]More stuff[/h1] Of course there's more stuff. Workbenches that require some kind fuel to work, improved climbing system, better stealth... In case that you want to see some motion, here's a short (no audio, sorry, I'm really lazy!) [previewyoutube=a833N1TBtMM;full][/previewyoutube] Also, if you are curious about progress, you can always check my Trello. I try to keep it updated as much as I can (or as much I remember!). Beware tho that at some point it might content "spoilers" of possible surprises of the game. Thank you to everyone who keeps an eye and hope on this game, you are the one who is making it possible.