It's been a year - A dev letter

One Last Day

[Alpha] Explore, hunt, be hunted, kill, destroy, build... Fight in a colorful, devastated world that everyone is trying to take for themselves. Do it yours, but remember your main goal at the start of the day; try to survive one last day.

Hi everyone! Boring stuff, plain text ahead, you've warned! [i]Today is a bit special. I felt that I needed to get a bit personal and explain you what happened all these years and why right now the game is getting... lets call it, an alpha "remake". One Last Day is a project that started the summer of 2013 as a hobby project. After a few months, a friend joined the development and we kept the project for fun. We kept for more than a year developing the game. As it was growing, in 2015 some friends who tested it suggested that it should be submitted to Steam Greenlight since it might get accepted, and it actually did, way faster than we expected. One Last Day was available in Early Access in 2015. Shortly after that, due to some events, my friend had to leave the development. For almost 6 (hard) years I tried to keep it going and find another developer to help me finish it with no luck. I can't count how many times I started the project from scratch with someone different, all of them tried to help, but we just couldn't get it done. So finally, two years ago, in 2020, I took lessons on how to model and animate basic stuff. And one year ago, september 2021 I restarted this project by just myself. So it's basically a new game, made from scratch, that has been exactly one year under development. Despite many people recommended me just to leave the project and move on to another one, I felt that I was leaving an important part unfinished. They might be right though, but why? In 2015 a game like OLD was something cool, but nowadays people is getting insanely good at indie development and without a proper preparation, budget and a team is really hard to get a game actually success, so they suggested me to join a team or develop smaller games, which I definetly will do someday. I just hope that the stuff that I'm making is enough to at least make you all who bought the game back then actually enjoy it and have fun for a bunch of hours. So I wanna thank you all, both, either if you support the development to keep going, or you think that it should be parked, both opinions are somehow trying to help. Yet a year is a very little development time for a game as a sole developer, however the development almost reached the same state that the current published version, but improved. Thank you all, keep being amazing[/i] [b]2013 (pre-Greenlight)[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/8604501/fcdd68da3b1bdfe0321a2efb07b0bc42e6607016.png[/img] [b]2015 (current published)[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/8604501/b950a240e8ec8f4ca6112fe3008d0749cb241c85.png[/img] [b]2020 (remake experiment)[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/8604501/81eec32ef81bd97f7f516d5411da707aac21ac14.jpg[/img] [b]2021 (current alpha remake, early version)[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/8604501/9fe97c28ef916ccaedf8775acb563652f2a632e8.png[/img] [b]2022 (alpha remake, today)[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/8604501/6a9cdb40d8622c5d7ccef032f9cb28d14b597ce0.png[/img] As for the state of the development, I'm doing something that was planned for the next stage. Let's say that AI is being improved and don't expect just plain "zombies", got something else coming.