New world system, how should it work?

One Last Day

[Alpha] Explore, hunt, be hunted, kill, destroy, build... Fight in a colorful, devastated world that everyone is trying to take for themselves. Do it yours, but remember your main goal at the start of the day; try to survive one last day.

Hi everyone! We are working so *censored* hard that we have no time to lose, but hey, at least you deserve to know what's going on. So we are changing the game a lot, and I cannot show you anything yet about the game aesthetics but I can speak a little about how the world is going to work. [h1]New world system on sandbox mode[/h1] Right now, as you know if you own the game, the world of OLD is limited, if you go too far away some kind of alarm will sound until you character explodes. In one of the last updates I said that this is gone now, you can go further, there's no limits, just sea on the horizon! So this is the first thing that changed about the world system, we are working on an island concept. Let me explain myself. Today lets talk about the first map or "heightmap" generator, the one that you can see and tweak on the main menu when creating a new map. Now this heightmap will be an island, and this generator is much faster, it's so fast that you won't need to generate it yourself anymore. WHAT? Exactly, these heightmaps will be generated "on the fly", you just need to provide a "seed" and they will be generated randomly. [img][/img] [b]And what was that? Does that means that there will be multiple islands on a single map?[/b] Actually, the new world system is pseudo infinite, so yes, there will be multiple islands on a single map with a huge sea to sail and explore, but that's something for another post ;)