Development - Gathering and items

One Last Day

[Alpha] Explore, hunt, be hunted, kill, destroy, build... Fight in a colorful, devastated world that everyone is trying to take for themselves. Do it yours, but remember your main goal at the start of the day; try to survive one last day.

Hey! Here's comes another post. As promised I will talk briefly about how gathering has changed in One Last Day. [h1]Lets make it easier[/h1] So now there are 2 types of resources that can be gathered, classified in "soft resources" such as flowers, mushrooms... and "hard resources" like stone, minerals, components... Soft resources can be gathered at almost any moment just pointing at it and pressing the interaction key. As their name says, they are quite soft, so hitting them wont provide any resource and as instead they will be damaged or destroyed, so just grab them! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/8604501/c9556054f547b991551043dfa61078041607d513.png[/img] However this changes with hard resources. You will need to hit them, but don't try to cut down a tree with your fists, it will take forever (still possible tho... your choice). As instead you will be able to use a specialized tool, so yeah, to cut down a tree use an axe, to break some stone use a pickaxe, to demolish a wall use a hammer, you get it. [h1]Break down[/h1] Some hard resources are not easy to collect. Trees for example, need to be cut down. A big trunk will fall to the ground and you will need to break it into small pieces to be collected. Same goes for others, such as rocks and minerals. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/8604501/f84f8cc6a76c6b4f0da7d3889230bdfbdd6845c8.png[/img] [h1]Multiple uses[/h1] Crafting will get a full post soon, but let's say that every material and item usually has more than one use, and not only for recipes. Some resources or items can be scrapped to obtain materials or to convert them into smaller components. Others can be used as fuel and others are quite valuable or grant special effects and is up to you to use them or sell them. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/8604501/ad72d8579bd2443d0c9d4fc132416cc5092fc974.png[/img] [h1]Status report[/h1] Building spawning has been done! However, making them will be harder now as buildings can contain much more detail than before. The only big feature left is basic AI and everything in the programming section of foundations stage will be finished. After that I will close some application usability stuff and make the experimental branch for anyone to test it. Beware that this branch is more like a tech alpha, so don't expect good gameplay. So, the next stage of foundations is to make the base content (clothes, weapons, recipes, etc...), since you are probably noting that in every capture they are using the same clothes! There are more, don't worry, but this was the first set to be fully finished.