Popup Dungeon - Dev Stream

Popup Dungeon

A tactical roguelike RPG inspired by our favorite tabletop games that lets you create any ability, item, villain, hero, and game imaginable.

Popup Dungeon has recently released a free Halloween expansion with a new campaign, characters, enemies, equipment, and music by rad 80s rock band, Thor! [img]https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/031/105/746/21b3ceb88f1d25573e617c6c3e2e0544_original.png?ixlib=rb-2.1.0&w=700&fit=max&v=1603315312&auto=format&frame=1&lossless=true&s=6a3b66972335d221b5867154159a979d[/img] Join the developer, Enrique, as he trick-or-treats through the neighborhood using an old-school, Might-and-Magic-style navigation system unique to this new campaign (Go North, East, South, West). Will he survive Samhain's curse that's turned trick-or-treaters' costumes into reality? The campaign is set to [b]hardcore[/b] mode, so watch him die... live!