Patch notes - v0.7.58

Multi Idle

An idle RPG featuring a large focus on the customization of your play style to make every run unique. Create unbreakable skill combinations and advance your fighter to the point that even boss monsters will fear their strength!

Patch Notes - Steam v0.7.58 [b]Advanced Combat:[/b] [list] [*] Bugfix: UI Tooltip for Marked now has the correct description. [/list] [b]Dungeon:[/b] [list] [*] Balance: Upon rebirth, Get a maximum of 180 + (30 per stage) essence for characters best stage. [*] Balance: Opponenets now can have Fury and Disruption on stage 100 and after. [/list] [b]Kingdom:[/b] [list] [*] New: Projects now give Honor Levels based on their all-time best level reached. [*] New: Added new building - Workshop. Unlocked at 10 cleared maps. Provides Project Build Speed. [*] New: Projects can now gain multiple levels instead of just once per Month Cycle. [*] New: The following buildings now have an Enable/Disable building. > Armorsmith, Weaponsmith, Toolsmith, Arena, Brickfurnace. [*] Balance: Various project changes have been added. Detailed in the Projects section below. [*] Change: Projects unlocked notifications changed. (Returning players will receive additional notifications about this) > Rebirth will reset the level, but give honor levels. Honor levels are added to the effect level. [*] UI: The word date has been added above the month tick circle. [*] UI: Project tab workforce Power renamed and repurposed to Project Build Rate. [*] UI: Projects now have a little more color. [*] Bugfix: Project slider background now uses a sprite again. [*] Bugfix: Adjusted view of projects so module picker isn't in the way. [*] Bugfix: Projects should now display correct default information. [*] Bugfix: Offline progression no longer rewards projects twice the work. [*] Bugfix: Projects without focus points now save properly when closing the game. [*] Bugfix: Projects using different work Cost Scaling from game load, compared to leveling up naturally. [/list] [b]Project Balance:[/b] [list] [*] Explored Food Bonus Per Level lowered from 7.5 to 5.5 [*] Explored Food Work Cost Multiplier lowered from 1.20 to 1.15 per level [*] Explored Wood Bonus Per Level lowered from 7.5 to 5.5 [*] Explored Metal Work Cost Multiplier lowered from 1.20 to 1.15 per levelExplored Food Bonus Per Level lowered from 7.5 to 5.5 [*] Explored Metal Work Cost Multiplier lowered from 1.20 to 1.15 per level [*] Explored Leather Bonus Per Level lowered from 7.5 to 5.5 [*] Explored Leather Work Cost Multiplier lowered from 1.20 to 1.15 per level [*] Hero Health Work Cost Multiplier lowered from 1.20 to 1.075 per level [*] Hero Health Work Cost Added Per Level lowered from 1250 to 250 per level. [*] Item Find Rating Work Cost Multiplier lowered from 1.20 to 1.15 per level [*] Module Experience Cost Multiplier lowered from 1.42 to 1.35 per level [/list] [b]New Projects:[/b] [list] [*] Basic Attack Damage - % Increased Basic Attack Damage, Unlocked at Dungeon Module level 3. [*] Hero Damage - % Increased Hero Damage, Unlocked at Dungeon Module level 5. [*] Hero Health 2 - % More Hero Health, Unlocked at Dungeon Module level 10. [*] Hero Experience - % Increased Hero Experience, Unlocked at Hero Module level 5. [*] Skill Might - Multiplier to damage, Available only when the fighter has the skill. [*] Skill Heavy - Multiplier to damage, Available only when the fighter has the skill. [*] Skill Hand of Hir'Rile - Multiplier to damage, Available only when the fighter has the skill. [*] Skill Blaze - Multiplier to damage, Available only when the fighter has the skill. [*] Skill Disruption - Multiplier to damage, Available only when the fighter has the skill. [*] Skill Fungus Growth - Multiplier to damage, Available only when the fighter has the skill. [*] Skill Ice Spike - Multiplier to damage, Available only when the fighter has the skill. [*] Skill Mark - Multiplier to damage, Available only when the fighter has the skill. [/list] [b]Race & Rebirths:[/b] [list] [*] Bugfix: Race Buff is no longer available until defeating stage 5. [*] Bugfix: Race Buff no longer shows twice in the advantage menu. [/list] [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] [list] [*] Bugfix: Passive tree will no longer zoom while the codex is open. [*] UI: Building overview left frame now included in appearance setup. [*] UI: Stats buttons now iincluded in appearance setup. [*] UI: Notification buttons background has been made slightly larger, and less transparent. [*] UI: Resolution Setting buttons now use appearance button setting. [/list]