Patch Notes 05/26/2023

Deliverance & Reign

Join a gothic battle where Good confronts Evil using roguelike deckbuilding mechanics. Play as either side, invading Alaric's Castle, or as Alaric himself defending against the invading heroes!

[h2]Deliverance's Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where the achievement "Outclassed" required players to only use Skills & Heroic Skills their entire runs [*] Fixed the bark from[spoiler] The Grim Reaper mini-boss at the end of the Shortcut path [/spoiler]on the 4th floor [*] "Hidden Knowledge" can no longer add itself with its own effect [*] Fixed a bug where Alaric would become unkillable if his HP went below zero [*] Fixed a bug where the Druid's "Blessing of Chaos" dealt its debuff even when transforming into the same form [*] Fixed a bug where the card added by "A Faint Memory" did not display its "One Use" keyword properly [*] Fixed a visual glitch related to the "# Word Mantra" cards from the Monk Class [*] Fixed a bug where "Blessing of Plenty" added extra "# Word Mantra" copies when it transformed [*] Fixed a major issue where choosing Hell Layers would bug their description texts in Chinese [*] Fixed a visual bug where hovering the mouse cursor in front of your hero made the enemy "attack animation" end before it should [/list] [h2]Deliverance's Balance Changes:[/h2] [list] [*] Alaric now can be defeated in multiple phases at once, or with a single powerful blow [*] "Pure Living" now stacks if played multiple times in the same turn [*] "Emerging Turtle" now stacks if played multiple times in the same turn [/list] [h2]Reign's Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a major issue with the Chinese version where some cards were showing the wrong descriptions, notoriously within the Beasts' Faction [*] Fixed two achievements: "Beasts' Reign" (Complete a run with the Beasts) and "Familial Beast" (Reach Max Bond with the beasts) [*] All bosses are now called "Boss Minions" ingame [*] Fixed a game-breaking bug that would trigger at save/load whenever you cast any of the following spells: "The Swarm", "Expose Them", and "Hungry Eyes" [*] Fixed a game-breaking bug that would trigger at save/load whenever you summoned any of the following minions: "Young Spider" and "Feasting Imp" [*] Fixed a bug where "Chaos Burn" only dealt 2x3 damage, instead of 3x3 [*] Fixed a bug where the Settings Menu was bugged during the Tutorial [*] Some extra grammar fixes [/list] [h2]Reign's Balance Changes:[/h2] [list] [*] The Vampire card "Blood" now costs 0 Mana. [*] "Demon Forger" now only adds armor to other friendly minions (his effect does not include himself anymore) [/list] [h2]Reign's Additions:[/h2] [list] [*] You can now see your locked Champion as well when you're upgrading them in the Training Room event [/list]