Patch Notes 05/20/2023

Deliverance & Reign

Join a gothic battle where Good confronts Evil using roguelike deckbuilding mechanics. Play as either side, invading Alaric's Castle, or as Alaric himself defending against the invading heroes!

[h2]Deliverance's Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed many bugs with interactions caused by the card "Dreamer's Tea" (a card that allows players to use cards from a Class they are not playing with). Those fixes include: [olist] [*] Tiger's Hide [*] Nature and Nurture [*] Return to Earth [*] Rays From Heaven [*] INjection [*] Earth's Embrace [*] Bone Explosion [*] All cards with the keywords "Killing Spree" and "Wrath" [/olist] [*] "Holy Teachings" doesn't allow choosing Heroic Skill cards anymore [*] "Child of God" now considers Blocks in the damage calculation, so it won't trigger its effect at the wrong time [*] The setting "Zoomed Card in Battle" is now stored when exiting\reopenning the game [*] Fixed a bug where the Player.log reached over 40 Mbs [*] Fixed a bug where holding a card for too long made it impossible to use it or any other card, forcing the run to be surrendered [*] Fixed a bug where killing minions that had the keyword Quick with the Burn debuff made it impossible to pick your Loot after battle [*] Fixed a bug where some users saw their refresh rate all weird in the resolution settings [*] Boss minions now say "Boss, Minion" as their Type to avoid confusion [*] Added some minor grammar fixes [*] Fixed a bug where the game crashed when trying to play cards [*] The card "Abundance", acquired via "Blessing of Plenty" now considers Upgraded and non-Upgraded versions of the selected card, not only exact copies of it [*] Added translations to the menu where you can between each game mode (Deliverance or Reign) [*] Fixed a bug where the Level Up prompt got stuck on screen even after starting a new game [*] The "Treasure Chest" now cannot Find itself through its own effect [*] Renamed Stalker's "Quick Thinking" to "Quick Reactions" to avoid confusion with another card with the same name [*] Lost Treasure is now One Use only, but now adds 5 Treasure Cards instead of 2 [/list] [h2]Reign's Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where using the "Abomination" with any Faction other than the Undead would freeze the game [*] Fixed a bug where using the "Worthy Sacrifice" with any Faction other than the Undead would freeze the game [*] Alaric now cannot be sacrificed by effects such as from the cards "Reaper of Souls", "Worthy Sacrifice", "Undead General" and the Undead upgrade "Sacrifice a random friendly minion. Destroy a random enemy non-boss minion" [*] Fixed a major bug that prevented Reign's achievements from being stored [/list]