Deliverance & Reign's Roadmap for the next 2 weeks!

Deliverance & Reign

Join a gothic battle where Good confronts Evil using roguelike deckbuilding mechanics. Play as either side, invading Alaric's Castle, or as Alaric himself defending against the invading heroes!

Hello, everyone! We're thrilled to see your incredible response to Deliverance & Reign! Thank you so much for the continuous support and for sticking around with us from the start. Today, we're here to share with you our roadmap for the next two weeks! [h3][b]Week 1:[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Bug Fixes [*] Balance Overview [*] Grammar Review [*] [i][b][User Input Review][/b][/i] [/list] [h3][b]Week 2:[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Bug Fixes [*] Balance Corrections [*] [i][b][User Input Review & Implementation][/b][/i] [/list] The spots at the end of each week are reserved for reviewing and implementing all of your suggestions in order to improve Deliverance & Reign's. Please, keep adding more Steam Discussions and sharing your Feedback with us through our Discord! Please, let us thank you all once again, and we'll see you guys in the next update!