Patch Notes 05/22/2023

Deliverance & Reign

Join a gothic battle where Good confronts Evil using roguelike deckbuilding mechanics. Play as either side, invading Alaric's Castle, or as Alaric himself defending against the invading heroes!

[h2]Deliverance's Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed some grammar issues with the card "Preparation"; [*] Fixed a major bug where Alaric had a chance of duplicating himself; [*] Fixed a game-breaking bug where using "Divine Shell" with no enemies left on the room caused a hard lock; [*] Fixed a couple of issues where effects that prevented you from "Drawing" cards were mistakenly keeping you from placing cards on your hands by different means (such as "Adding"); [*] Tweaked multiple cards to improve balance; [*] Fixed some small grammar issues; [*] "Surge" now does not cause you to draw 1 less card during the next turn; [*] Fixed an issue where finishing a battle with "Final Recital" or "16 Point Palm Strike" bugged the Loot\Reward menu that shows post-battle, and made it impossible to pick rewards properly. [/list] [h2]Reign's Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Tweaked multiple cards for enhanced balance; [*] Temporary Cards are now also discarded whenever they are used; [*] Fixed a bug where drawing cards with the "Cycle" effect sometimes removed their upgrades. [/list]