Patch Notes - 05/19/2023

Deliverance & Reign

Join a gothic battle where Good confronts Evil using roguelike deckbuilding mechanics. Play as either side, invading Alaric's Castle, or as Alaric himself defending against the invading heroes!

[h2]Deliverance's Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where some enemies got cloned if you had Blessing of Vission applied to your hero, notoriously cloning Alaric. [*] Fixed some cards' Repurpose effect not working properly. [*] Soul Conversion now shows information about Death Stone on its tooltip [*] 16 Point Palm Strike now ends your turn properly [*] Final Recital now ends your turn properly [*] Some minor grammar fixes [/list] [h2]Reign's Fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Some minor grammar fixes [/list]