
Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls

2d space combat like no other. From the perspective of a single crew member, explore the fully destructible interior of any ship in a massive living world. Engage in space combat with no hitpoints where you know your enemy is dead when you see them fall out of their ship into the cold dark of space.

[list] [*] fixed a couple of screens that were responding to mouse wheel scrolling that had happened on other screens [*] increased the number of system slots on many bridge modules so you can activate more things [*] refactored a context variable in all ship active abilities to make it easier to debug in the future and so that I can make new stuff more easily [*] fixed a bug with calculating the cursor position on the universe map where the outcome of the calculation depended on which quadrant of the map you were in [*] fixed a possible crash related to the chat widget opening [*] fixed a possible crash related to hitting the craft button when no crafting recipe is selected [*] the respawn script has been rewritten to handle the situation where something triggers a screen transition after it sends you to the respawn screen [*] [OEMAUTO] and [ZOOM] keys have been excluded from the list of valid keys that can be used in keybinds because some windows IME (Input method editors) declare these keys to always be pressed. If you happen to have something important bound to the [ZOOM] key then we'd like you to know that we hate you. [/list]