bugfix patch

Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls

2d space combat like no other. From the perspective of a single crew member, explore the fully destructible interior of any ship in a massive living world. Engage in space combat with no hitpoints where you know your enemy is dead when you see them fall out of their ship into the cold dark of space.

[list] [*] fixed a bug when loading quests that could cause a crash when loading the game [*] fixed a bug with the crew team that would allow any crew member to join the team widget and accept orders from the player [*] friendly crew will no longer attempt to join the player's team if they are passengers [*] passengers added by the manifest are added with the isPassive flag set to true so they behave like passengers and not crew [*] upgraded procedural quests to include a "pick up" stage as the first stage so if you depart the source station with insufficient cargo/beds you can still return to the station later and complete the quest [*] fixed a bug that was preventing failed procedural missions from being removed from the mission list potentially causing them to lag the game by constantly trying to complete [*] fixed a bug that was causing economic nodes that consume resources over time to load their saved data wrong causing data corruption for the loaded consumption rate values. In most cases this was causing those stations to consume all of their supply instantly [*] when hailing a repair station the repair station dialogue options will now remain available even if the station's crew are missing and only monsters are inside [*] updated the crew inventory UI to ensure that you can not change your equipped ship while you are in a ship as it was always intended that you could only change equipped ships in a station. [*] docking via hangar in a ship that is not your currently equipped ship now clears the cargo of your equipped ship [*] revised the design of the start ship. It is meant to be a single person shuttle with minimal capabilities and it had too much cargo space and bedrooms at the cost of not having enough power for its thrusters [*] fixed multiple instances where a quest completing could remove the waypoint marker for a different quest with the same name [*] you can no longer use shipyard logistics rooms to build free ships using that shipyard's resources [*] if you scrap a ship at an NPC shipyard, your resources will now be magically teleported to your home base instead of donated to the NPC shipyard for free [*] updated the design of the junebug c to have the life support modules connected to the power grid [*] when crew data is saved, any packed ships in their inventory now have all of their crew removed. Packed ships aren't supposed to be holding crew, and this fixes a very rare and strange bug where a player managed to get a packed ship with himself inside that caused an infinite save loop [/list]