detailed patch notes

Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls

2d space combat like no other. From the perspective of a single crew member, explore the fully destructible interior of any ship in a massive living world. Engage in space combat with no hitpoints where you know your enemy is dead when you see them fall out of their ship into the cold dark of space.

[list] [*] fixed many instances of the word yield being misspelled [*] fixed a bug where picking up the item most recently placed into the trash slot would duplicate the item [*] sped up world generation by skipping many noise samples in black empty space [*] fixed rotation groups for tier 3 hallways [*] tier 3 hallways are now structure adding modules. They add more structure than the default tile replaced when you place them, so they make your ship stronger when added [*] removed duplicate entries for shield emitters in the design screen [*] added a tier 3 shield emitter [*] fixed turret offsets for T3 energy turrets [*] fixed an extra pixel that was sticking out of the side of a T3 engine module [*] tweaked the stats on some pulse beam weapons [*] added many tier 3 bridge modules [*] added missing visual power connection points to the largest size T3 energy turret [*] fixed a bug that would cause AI ships to send repair drones to repair their current hostile target [*] added a decorative conference room module what can be used to make space stations look more professional and business-like [*] fixed a rare bug that could cause a crash when adding a crew member into a ship at an invalid position [*] turret reload duration set to a default value other than zero to avoid divide by zero if somehow the value avoids being set [*] added tier 3 ships to the list of all spawnable ships so the game will now spawn them when it wants to spawn a really scary ship [*] tier 3 ships can now spawn as bosses and as escorts in the gauntlet [*] boss battles in the gauntlet can now reward a data core with tier 3 research [*] active system slot icons now have tooltips [*] added tooltip info for many active systems, but maybe not all of them. Any we missed will say "An active system with an undefined tooltip." [*] fixed an issue with active systems that made some of them stop working depending on the type of session you were in [*] fixed an issue where a crafting station would never close after it was opened [*] fixed single player crafting so that it would actually fail if you don't have the materials instead of removing what it can and giving you the output [*] crafting will also fail now if you don't have sufficient inventory space for the output [*] stat status that slows enemy forward movement on bullet hits changed into a debuff to acceleration similar to rotation accell debuff [*] improved the layout of the crafting UI [*] removed the old style UI button to open your character inventory [*] fixed an inventory UI crash when attempting to sell items to a shop via right click from ship inventory [*] fixed a bug that caused a quest to fail to load and delete itself [*] tuning kits, this entire time, have required a resource that wasn't even in the game and nobody bothered to mention it in feedback. Their application cost has been heavily reworked so that you can actually use tuning kits now. [*] significantly expanded the number of stats that status effects can modify [*] added 14 new computer room modules, each of which provides a passive statistical increase to your ship which doesn't stack if you have multiple of the same module. They provide bonuses such as turret range, missile tracking, shield regeneration, point defense, etc [*] added a new module type: point defense. It will passively shoot down incoming missiles using energy. They aren't perfect as their shots can miss so having many of them improves your odds of surviving large missile volleys [*] fixed a very rare crash that could happen if a hellbore bullet despawns before establishing part of its animation [*] fixed the same bug with 2 end game quests that prevented them from triggering [*] corrupt quest rewards will now fail to load more gracefully [*] if you somehow manage to type characters into the ship profile selection name entry field that can not be rendered by our sprite font, it will now remove the entered character and warn you instead of crashing at the screen's render pass [*] fixed a UI bug with research tier progress bars that could fill beyond their max value [*] module tooltips now indicate what installing upgraded components will do [*] scrapping a packed ship in logistics will now remove the ship instead of allowing you to keep it [*] tooltips can now dynamically scale their text to fit longer item names [*] fixed a misplaced turret track slot for a large energy turret mount T3 [*] the trade screen now shows current credits without formatting to shorten the value so you can see all of your credits [*] the trade screen now shows the exact price of the item under your mouse [*] quests now save their progress a bit more frequently to prevent them getting broken if your game is abruptly quit without saving [*] fixed a bug with initial loading of the game which was capable of breaking the loading sequence on some computers in a very rare thread timing issue [*] added a timeout to randomized loot operations to make sure they don't run forever when testing an empty loot table [*] fixed trade npc ships saying they lost their target when they undock from a station [*] trade npc ships now say reasonable things when undocking from a station after conducting a trade [*] fixed a bug that could sometimes cause the character to be placed wrong when entering a ship [*] expanded the storage size for the trade screen because there were many shops that had more than 24 item types for sale [*] exotic matter was removed from trade storage as it is meant to immediately convert to credits and there is no reason to buy it [*] fixed a bug with tooltip image previews for large modules with square profiles that caused them not to render [*] made a fundamental change to how crew are removed from ships to combat a common bug where you get kicked into EVA when transitioning between ships [*] ship scrapping now rolls a dice to determine if you receive partial resource values instead of rounding. Before if scrapping would return 0.2 of a valuable resource you would always get the rounded integer value of 0, but now in the same scenario you will have a 20% chance of receiving 1 of that resource instead [*] fixed one instance of dormitory being spelled wrong [*] fixed a bug with a script that explains broken airlocks that could corrupt save files [*] fixed: the labels "required" vs "stored" was reversed on the logistics screen [*] fixed a crash in the research screen caused by an uninitialized string value [*] removed a legacy UI element that was rendering in the bar screen [*] fixed a bug where tuning kits would consume their component resources even if they could not be applied to the ship [*] added mining laser to home station tool shop [*] fixed an issue that caused some advanced turrets to lose their special properties when loaded from save data [*] tuning kit tooltips now display how many kits are already applied as well as the maximum stack count [*] fixed a rare crash when attempting to animate crew during a save/exit operation [*] fixed a bug with artifact activator modules that could make certain artifact types cause the game to crash [*] added a new craftable item: packey ball. It can be used to capture a ship into an inventory item [*] added code to support station shops that sell ships as inventory items [*] added a module for a new shop type that sells ships [*] the cash bonus for destroying communications relays has been balanced to better reflect the new credits economy relative to procedural missions [*] scrapping ships in logistics screen now only works on packed ships in your inventory [*] added a mission board UI to the map screen when visiting the map via a cartography room in economic stations [*] added a back-end for generating procedural missions to be listed at economic stations [*] wrote a new quest type to handle procedural missions from mission boards [*] added procedural pirate hunting bounty missions [*] added procedural cargo delivery missions [*] added procedural passenger delivery missions [*] added a cargo manifest framework to handle mission cargo and passengers for ships departing and arriving via hangars [*] created a new introductory tutorial quest sequence to introduce shipyards as a method of getting new ships [*] cleaned up some events from existing introduction quests that no longer make sense with the new shipyard economy [*] fire extinguishers removed from character creation as it is intended that the player should get one as part of the introduction quest sequence [*] added a tiny variance to the reload timers of turrets so they don't all play their reload sounds at the same exact time [*] doubled the energy capacity of all beam emitters [*] added a hangar module for entry/egree into/out of stations without using airlocks [*] added logic for crew placement into ships/stations when using a hangar module [*] remapped nearly all stations to include hangar modules [*] ships created from an owned packed ship in your inventory should no longer force hacking [*] added a crafting station module for unlocking T3 items via the crafting menu [*] added a number of T3 ship designs that can be unlocked [*] added all T3 modules to loot tables so they can be unlocked via the new crafting room [*] replaced the "journal" slot on character paper doll with a "ship" slot that holds your currently equipped packed ship [*] lowered the hitpoints of many hostile monsters inside abandoned stations [*] created detailed tooltips for packed ships with statistics about the ships capabilities [*] fixed some critical bugs with the existing intro sequence that could cause your game to get stuck if you use the respawn function during the event [*] added an inventory item type that holds a ship turret and displays its affixes in the tooltip [*] upgraded the logistics screen to pull turret items from inventory and safe storage instead of creating turrets from a turret type [*] added code to prevent the player using travel drive during the initial flight training tutorial [*] added a new item type and associated crafting recipe that can "forge" a turret item adding a new turret affix [*] added turret forge items to loot tables [*] tuning kits can now randomly drop from killed NPC crew [*] module components can now randomly drop from killed NPC crew [*] turrets with affixes can now randomly drop from killed NPC crew [*] removed module components tier 1 and 2 from research blueprint stores [*] removed all turret type research from data cores dropped by ships [*] removed all turret research that spawns in blueprint shops [*] turret blueprints are effectively removed from the game now as their functionality has been replaced by turrets as inventory items [*] basic turrets are now sold in blueprint shops [*] significantly increased the number of items that appear in blueprint shops [*] turret items added to ship cargo loot tables [*] turrets can now sometimes fall off of NPC ships and gain an affix when you shoot them. These can be collected as loot. [*] added random loot containers that sometimes appear in belts that can drop loot items [*] integrated procedrual missions with the quest journal [*] logistics screen now displays your equipped ship in a special location away from the packed ships in your regular inventory to indicate its importance [*] revised the character database to create and load a unique character for each world save so that it is independent from the character used by the main menu [*] the character build for use in main menu activities such as ship editor and testing arena now has more stuff unlocked so that you can do what you like in the sandbox [*] added civilian shipyards to the list of stations that can spawn as economic stations [*] added icons to civilian shipyards [*] fixed an issue with the quest journal displaying quest distances [*] fixed an issue with the "show on map" button in the quest journal [*] removed a UI element (incoming notification button) that did nothing because it wasn't supposed to be there [*] added code to prevent research shops from listing the same blueprint item multiple times [*] shops that save their contents between visits now clear those contents when the player advances to the game stage where new loot needs to be added to shops [*] added a new inventory item type: ammo box which turrets can use to reload. Unlike grey goo, turrets reloading from ammo boxes can pull ammo boxes directly from player inventory [*] ammo boxes added to NPC shops [*] player starting inventory now contains ammo boxes [*] fixed a bug where player credits count would display as zero until the value changed [*] fixed a number of inventory bugs relating to buying items from shops that allowed buying/selling to modify the contents of the shop [*] tuning kit and module component application now updates the ship in your equipped ship slot to prevent tuning kits being lost if you lose the ship [*] removed the tuning kit for travel drive speed from showing up in crew item shops [*] fixed a bug with logistics screen which was causing the interior contents of a packed ship to be lost after that ship was modified [*] fixed a bug with packed ships caused by the re-use of an important data structure that could cause damage to be saved in the packed ship item unexpectedly [*] revised gauntlet boss spawning to use T3 ships for the higher tier bosses [*] fixed a bug with scroll canvas UI elements that could cause them to scroll forever [*] because it is no longer intended for you to construct your first ship, new characters will no longer spawn with blueprints or ship building resources [*] rebalanced the cost of grey goo to more accurately reflect the economic price of creating it [*] ships constructed in logistics from a player design are now placed into inventory as a packed ship instead of docking to your home station [*] trading with station shops now allows you to move items to/from your equipped packed ship's storage [*] the player's home base was upgraded with economic station logic so that items from packed ships and player inventory could be transferred to the home station using the same interface as trading with other economic stations [*] a trade depot room was added to the home station [*] ship building was upgraded to use the new resource storage system [*] fixed a bug that caused the home station to sometimes spawn with hostile crew [*] fixed a bug that caused stations in general to sometimes spawn hostile crew [*] you can no longer use a packed ship from your inventory [*] you can no longer pack ships from the logistics screen [*] added logic to make your crew members follow you through hangar transitions into and out of stations [*] legacy procedural taxi missions were disabled as they are replaced by the improved procedural passenger missions [*] launching from a hangar reloads all ship weapons [*] balanced the repair rates of some repair drones that were repairing way too fast [*] docking at the home base with a stolen ship via a hangar should now pack that ship into an inventory item [*] fixed a bug with ship shard breaking that was causing ship shards to use a ton of extra memory copying turrets too many times from the source ship [*] added point defense module blueprints to blueprint shops [*] added a large number of fully mapped ships for sale in all shipyard shops [*] added flavor description text to ship hulls sold in shipyard shops [*] created a new type of crew member that can join the player's team and appear at their home station bar: procedural crew members [*] implemented a procedurally random talent tree generator for generating random talent trees for procedural crew [*] added a new screen to display procedural talent trees [*] wrote a dialogue for interacting with procedural crew members [*] added a better UI element to the bar screen to make it more clear how you are supposed to inspect a crew member's talents [*] upgraded the framework for displaying waypoints to fix issues caused by quest names being similar that could cause waypoints to not be displayed or to potentially become memory leaks [*] all economy nodes had their storage capacity and initial trade good quantities drastically increased because they were running out leading to unexpected trade ship behaviors [*] fixed a series of bugs that could cause ships to spawn with the incorrect number of crew [*] fixed a bug that could cause empty ships to come back to life with added crew after a save/reload [*] fixed some incorrectly placed text in the resources UI [*] fixed a bug with a turret that was crashing the game [*] upgraded the crew team UI widget to dynamically expand with crew slot unlocks [*] upgraded the crew team UI widget to support more max crew slots [*] fixed a bug with how tooltips display ship image previews [*] added awareness of Ithacit Ore to economic stations and the home station [*] fixed the text description in the tooltip for Ithacit Ore [*] added new ore use ratios to T3 modules so that ships with T3 tech will require fancier ore to manufacture [*] the bar screen panels can now be scrolled with the mouse wheel if there are more crew in your bar than can be displayed [*] added a new score screen that displays after doing the gauntlet [*] added a scoring system to the gauntlet which grants tokens for crafting T3 blueprints [*] buying a blueprint and learning it should now update other instances of that same blueprint with "already known" [*] fixed a bug that was preventing the ore node tracking world component from updating which caused a number of ore related bugs [*] added all modules and all weapon types to the main menu ship editor sandbox environment [*] fixed a bug with artifact activators that was crashing the game [*] placed grey goo into player inventory when they enter survival mode from the main menu [*] enclosed battle arenas in the gauntlet now block movement of all ships, not just the player's ship [*] fixed a number of bugs with the binary save data format for ore nodes that was preventing them from saving correctly [*] the quest to deliver food to the pirate's cove can now complete if you enter the station via its hangar [*] fixed a bug with the SSC shipyard raid quest that was causing SSC ships to not turn hostile if you had saved and loaded the game at a certain stage of the quest [/list]