Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls

2d space combat like no other. From the perspective of a single crew member, explore the fully destructible interior of any ship in a massive living world. Engage in space combat with no hitpoints where you know your enemy is dead when you see them fall out of their ship into the cold dark of space.

[list] [*] the game now remembers the last ship you have spawned and allows you to scrap that ship for a 100% return [*] fixed a bug where shield emitters would be created with zero energy in them [*] fixed a bug with AI where ships with beam weapons would fire their beam weapons but they didn't know they had them and so would not attempt any beam based tactics [*] fixed module rotations for bulwark and restorer shields so that they can be mirrored horizontally in the design screen [*] fixed a crash when destroying a reactor that doesn't have its explosion type configured correctly or which uses an explosion that doesn't exist [*] added explosion configuration for some T3 reactors which were missing [*] fixed a bug where gunnery consoles could crash the game instead of logging an error and shutting down AI like navigations consoles do (when encountering an ai bug) [*] nerfed grey goo's ability to repair so that you use grey goo a bit faster while repairing. It is supposed to be a valuable resource that you use sparingly because it costs more than the modules you are repairing. [*] buffed base repair range of the default repair gun from 175 to 225 [*] improved repair guns were re-added to the loot tables of ships...I don't even remember removing them, a git history investigation insists that this was my fault [*] nerfed exp drop pods from 100 exp to 10 exp and adjusted some drops to drop more stacks. Mining is granting far too much exp because it drops in such big increments. This should be a nerf to mining exp while other sources remain the same [*] you now get a little bit of exp for using your repair gun to repair [*] fixed some missile talents which were not taking effect because they were applied before the missile set its default starting values. [*] turrets will no longer reload if their mount module is broken [*] increased the ammo capacity of tiny fixed machine guns so they need to reload less often [*] some confusing colored bars on the UI were replaced with less confusing more informative colored bars that display the same information plus some new information [*] changed the behavior of a damage edge case where your interior receives structure damage after the structure is already below inerta. In the past it dealt random damage to the entire ship equal to the amount, now it will just continue damaging structure tiles like before [*] rewrote the exp formula to make levelling significantly faster and to fix some minor bugs with the old formula [*] added ship packing to the logistics screen. A method for packing a docked ship into an inventory item in your bags for safe storage. [/list]