Module components

Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls

2d space combat like no other. From the perspective of a single crew member, explore the fully destructible interior of any ship in a massive living world. Engage in space combat with no hitpoints where you know your enemy is dead when you see them fall out of their ship into the cold dark of space.

Added a new feature as well as some bug fixes with this one. Module components are an item that you can find and with the new tool you can use them to upgrade existing modules inside of a ship to have better performance. [list] [*] fixed a bug with some new modules in the design screen where their tooltip would display resource costs multiple times. The resource cost was correct only the tooltips were broken [*] fixed a bug where anti-missile lightning charges from tuning kits in the gauntlet would target your own repair drones because repair drones are technically missiles which target your ship while repairing [*] fixed a bug with scrapping ships at your home base where any item inside the ship was placed into storage inside your home station instead of the tabbed storage that you can access by going into the storage inside your home station. This made those items inaccessable to you. The items will now go into the correct (tabbed) storage and I have upgraded the function of "stash resources" on the home station to get those items out of where they were placed in station cargo bays and move them to the correct place. [*] A new feature: Component salvaging. There is a new tool for you to use called a mechanic's kit. It opens ship modules and allows you access to their components. If you find high quality components you can swap them into your favorite modules to get a stat boost. The output increase can be fairly substantial for high tier components. [*] you can no longer fire missiles while in travel drive [*] automated undocking of abandoned ships from stations now takes a full minute to happen instead of happening as soon as they are considered abandoned [*] fixed a bug with the ship editor power overlay where tiles that connected in multiple directions were only able to animate power connections in the mostly recently connected direction. This had no bearing on the actual power simulation it was only a visual bug with our power overlay [*] fixed a bug with the first cloning vat exploration quest where the quest could fail to complete if you find multiple copies of the blueprint and transfer them all to your inventory at once [*] fixed a crash when right clicking packed ships from your inventory in the logistics screen [*] fixed changes to packed ships made via the logistics screen will now actually apply to those ships after leaving the screen [*] fixed a bug with grey goo reloading of modules which could in some cases prevent the module from collecting enough goo from the inventories of npc crew [*] fixed a bug that only matters to mod makers where an unavailable module that you can't unlock shared the same research id as another similar module preventing mod makers from messing with both of them [*] fixed solid and liquid waste processors not blocking crew movement [*] targeting space stations is now significantly faster [*] fixed a mispelled word "palce" that should be "place" [*] added the ability for a storage container to specify allowed item types that can be stored in there [*] modules such as artifact activators which include a storage interface but are intended only for specific item types will now prevent you from placing other item types into them [*] the create profile button now says "click here" so that it is extra extra obvious that this is a button [*] unified tooltips for trade goods to indicate their base value which I think is more descriptive given that actual value scales with supply and demand [*] fixed a bug where reactors were always behaving as if they had the High Q fields talent enabled [/list]