
Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls

2d space combat like no other. From the perspective of a single crew member, explore the fully destructible interior of any ship in a massive living world. Engage in space combat with no hitpoints where you know your enemy is dead when you see them fall out of their ship into the cold dark of space.

Working on some big things behind the scenes. Hopefully announcement soon. In the meantime here is a bugfix patch that includes a lot of small changes accumulated over a long period. [list] [*] your crew will no longer follow you on the in-station fast transport network if they are set to hold position [*] fixed a bug where logistics rooms would not rotate their animation to match the module animation [*] you can no longer collide with asteroids while in travel drive. Realism be damned, I've never seen a new player pick up the game without immediately killing themselves in travel drive somehow. [*] you can now use the scroll wheel to change mini-map scale in ship exterior view [*] added tooltip description for tractor field modules [*] tooltip base elements made to scale properly with UI scale [*] tooltip resource mode made to scale properly with UI scale [*] tooltip small stats made to scale properly with UI scale [*] tooltip resource element made to scale properly with UI scale [*] tooltip screen placement made to scale properly with UI scale so that tooltips do not render off of the screen [*] AI crew will only search for tiles to repair if they have a repair gun [*] AI crew will only search for fires to extinguish if they have a fire extinguisher [*] all projectile turret magazine sizes increased by 300% [*] all turret attack speeds reduced [*] buffed the max energy use rate of shield emitters which means they can produce shields faster [*] buffed the efficiency of shield emitter energy use so that they produce more shields for the energy that they consume [*] doubled the lifespan of shards produced by flak shells [*] significantly buffed the damage dealt by mining charges of all sizes [*] fixed a bugged ore type that had a negative yield [*] reduced the bullet velocity of all mining charges to make sure they still suck for damaging ships [*] added a tier 1 shield emitter [*] fixed a bug with mouse pointer location calculation on the universe map [*] universe map biome tooltip no longer overlaps mouse coordinate output [*] fixed a bug with a quest that could crash while loading the game [*] fixed: quests were crashing the game because quest debugging was left on because last time I uploaded a patch I didn't give a fuck [*] fixed a crash with conduit pathing on the ship design caused (most likely) by a ship with insufficient padding around the outside of the design [*] the ships that kill you in the first tutorial now spawn faster [*] changed how mouse scrolling and selection works in the station overview UI [*] renamed the header for the station overview UI so people know they can teleport from it [/list]