Bugfix patch

Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls

2d space combat like no other. From the perspective of a single crew member, explore the fully destructible interior of any ship in a massive living world. Engage in space combat with no hitpoints where you know your enemy is dead when you see them fall out of their ship into the cold dark of space.

[list] [*] turrets now remember how much ammo was in them when they are saved and loaded from a save or stored in a packed ship [*] fixed the tooltip for ammo boxes which nobody even uses so who cares? Well they are fixed now, so that's nice. [*] made mod loading more durable so as to prevent the client crashing when attempting to load a mod that is missing files [*] on loading a save game, missing factions which failed to save due to a crash will attempt to re-add themselves to the world [*] identified and fixed a threading issue that could allow the database thread to try and access faction info (for saving) while that data was being modified potentially resulting in data corruption. [*] fixed storage nook rotation mirroring [*] not sure the exact situation that is causing monsters to sometimes be invisible, but I cleaned up their artwork code a lot to get rid of a lot of unknown edge cases that MIGHT be causing that and hopefully they will stop being invisible [*] fixed a bug that was preventing killing monsters from granting experience [*] fixed a bug that was preventing crew members from getting experience from things in most cases [/list]