
Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls

2d space combat like no other. From the perspective of a single crew member, explore the fully destructible interior of any ship in a massive living world. Engage in space combat with no hitpoints where you know your enemy is dead when you see them fall out of their ship into the cold dark of space.

Note: This update changed some late-game quests. It should be compatible with most existing save game files unless you are currently on one of the affected quests. If you happen to be half finished with the changed quests the most likely outcome is that one or more of the new dialogues or quests triggers will not activate for you. In all other cases existing save files should be fine. [list] [*] fixed a bug where the image portion of the tooltip for a packed ship could get unloaded and fail to display [*] rewrote the interior air simulation to use precomputed room geometry. This will slow down significantly the speed of spawning ships, but drastically increase the speed of simulating interior atmosphere which is one of the biggest factors causing large ship interiors to lag the game. [*] Ships no longer reset their airlocks when performing a ship break update that splits the ship into multiple smaller shards unless one of the shards that broke off contains tiles from an airlock. This should fix the perceived flickering of airlocks when ships are taking damage [*] fixed a bug with the code for repairing a module (used by nano repair auras and when pointing your repair gun at large multi-tile modules) that was not checking the correct tiles for adjacency info when checking to see if the repaired tile was attached to another healthy tile. This was causing single tiles to repair unattached and break off as shards while you repaired some modules (this is also why airlocks were flickering on some damaged ships) [*] updated the tooltips for life support modules to make it a bit more clear how much air they produce and how much energy they consume at max operation [*] fixed a bug where exp popup text was displaying the old exp values from before the exp value rebalance. The amount of exp rewarded was correct only the text was wrong. [*] fixed a bug where the list of flotillas (ships added by steam workshop mods) which had been successfully spawned into the game world was not recorded, causing them to be respawned when you loaded a saved game [*] fixed a bug with our customers which caused them to sit in the home station buying and selling items over and over again instead of playing the game. Root cause was an item shop that gave away free items that could be sold for a tiny insignificant profit, thus short circuiting the reward center of our customers' brains [*] selecting your home base from logistics no longer attempts to set up turret selection for it [*] fixed a bug that was causing some entities to not write their data to the database causing those ships and ore to stop existing [*] ran a very long simulation of the in game economy to fine-tune station rations and fix some supply chain issues in longer games [*] fixed a bug where many ships were drawing the incorrect speed info from their binary data which caused them to not move at all when on the world map [*] increased the number of trade ships by around 25% on average [*] changed the default speed for ships on the world map to be significantly slower to line up better with their real speed when inside the player's session [*] output of farms increased by 50% [*] snack storage space of farms increased from 6000 to 10000 [*] parts factories are now more common to account for the system wide shortage of assorted parts [*] fixed a bug that was causing the logistics screen to not display tooltips for mounts [*] added a magnetic ramscoop module which you can use to collect space dust that can later be crafted into grey goo [*] added a primitive crafting system to the singleplayer game engine which allows you to open a crafting station and convert items into other items inside your inventory [*] added a single crafting station: the goo forge. It allows you to craft grey goo inside your ship from the various components that can be used to make grey goo [*] the goo forge and the magnetic ram scoop are tier 2 loot and can drop as loot from destroyed SSC ships [*] added a cargo scanner module which can be purchased from pirate's bay [*] added a new UI element to the targeting brackets which displays the cargo content of a targeted ship if you have a cargo scanner. default keybind is alt [*] fixed some bugs with the quadtree code used to store terrain for collision testing [*] went through the community bugfix mod (thanks blacktea) and stole, adapted, or addressed as many of the fixed in that mod as I could to incorporate them into the base game. [*] fixed: After meeting tony, if you exit the game before fixing the ship, ship will disappear on loading. (from community bugfix) [*] updated map extensions to include icons for goo factories [*] added a catch which will guarantee that NPC ships that spawn from template will have as many crew as there are controllable consoles on that ship (adapted from community bugfix) [*] (from community bugfix) ally crew will no longer assume control of the ship if Player orders the crew away from consoles and puts them on hold before leaving the ship. [*] (from community bugfix) fixed a crash in logistics while assigning turrets when your crew is on a ship [*] you can now hail ships piloted by your friendly crew and order them to return to your base [*] fixed bard's portrait [*] fixed a bug that could sometimes prevent crew from removing threats when ordered to stand down [*] (from community bugfix) the pirate cove siege quest now properly counts kills without waiting for the ships to despawn, and also calms the friendly pirate faction at quest completion in case you accidentally shot them during the quest and made them angry [*] added a new trigger event which explains the use of repair stations to new players with a brief dialogue [*] improved the camera pan to a station on an early quest dialogue [*] added character artwork for an angry bureaucrat/politician for the player to make angry [*] removed the old quest which granted the player an artifact activator research after they found an artifact for the first time [*] created a new quest which rewards the player for killing 3 SSC commanders with the artifact activator blueprint as well as advice on where to find artifacts [*] added some new dialogues for the new end-game mission [*] added many missing dialogues for the existing end-game missions [*] updated the data-center questline to unlock a new conversation mode with One at your bar. You can visit One at your bar any time to ask stupid questions. I wrote answers for some initial questions relevant to the story line and would gladly include more answers in the future, maybe in response to community request [*] added an "abandon" button to your quest log which will allow you to abandon your missions...you can only abandon missions that are obviously abandonable like missions to ferry passengers somewhere for a reward. [*] Some core storyline quests which can not be abandoned, will instead auto-complete if you enter debug mode and click the abandon quest button. Hopefully this doesn't create more problems that it solves...use it with caution [*] monsters inside of stations attempt to reposition randomly if they are near an airlock when you enter the station [/list]