March player feedback & QoL update


Survive the ever increasing pressure of time for as long as you can! A minimalistic incremental game about time management that takes inspiration from roguelite games, with a focus on meta-progression. Every generation has a better chance at survival, because previous lives influence its instincts

Let me start off by thanking you for the incredible reception of the chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9 content update! Far more of you returned to the game than I ever dared to expect, and the game even peaked into the top 250 games with most concurrent players on Steam. As a result of that, I've been having a bit of trouble to keep up with all the feedback and suggestions coming in. I appreciate all the feedback immensely. Whether I use it for updates directly, or take it into the thought process to find other solutions to issues that you address. I truly believe that without all your feedback the potential of the game would be far smaller than Early Access allows it to be now! Normally I aim to respond to as much feedback as I can, but with how much feedback has been supplied by all of you, it's been a bit of a challenge to keep up. So my apologies if it's taken me a while to respond. But ultimately working feedback into updates is the best way to show that your feedback certainly is valuable to me, even when I fail to answer all of it in the level of detail that I'd prefer. So for this update, I decided to focus on implementing as much as I could instead. It's far from all feedback that I have listed, but don't worry, Early Access has only just begun! Here are today's changes: [list] [*] Added automation loadouts! Three slots to easily swap between automation setups, and the ability to export/import them to your clipboard [*] Added a new settings tab with various new options based on player suggestions, and it offers further expansion [*] Added a dark-mode option [*] Added default automation priority options [*] Added an audio-alert option, in addition to the window flash option. Both are individually optional and can either be combined or used separately (or not at all) [*] Added an UI-scale option, to adjust the resolution auto-scaling, for people that like text to be bigger or smaller than the default [*] Slightly buffed the chapter 8 meta progression mechanic, from 1%/1% to 1.25%/1%, to keep it as spoiler-free as I can. This also affects how that particular food source at chapter eight scales [*] New meta unlock progression is now also displayed in the related skill tooltip [*] The new skill now also displays the amount of artifacts found, aiming to make it a little clearer how to improve the new multiplier [*] You can now right-click explorations to have them stop right before completion [*] You can now right-click the clear queue button to retain the currently active action [*] Added icons for story choices, health decay, inventory size, maximum health gain and unique rewards to the automations tab. Aiming to make it a little easier to find the ones that stand out [*] The reincarnation screen health icon tooltip now displays your total maximum health gain multiplier, if above one [*] Added a few time-display options for the story block [*] Reworked how UI buttons communicate to the game engine, which should remove a slowdown in their responsiveness when the game is open for extended periods of time (mostly reported for the automations tab button) [*] Slightly reworked a precision check for progress-per-tick, increasing accuracy per millisecond from roughly 99.71% to 99.98% at low multipliers. This should reduce the occurrences of odd time differences between runs [*] Fixed a bug that prevented food from being eaten before the food cooldown elapsed at least once. This could stall the first eat action after completing a chapter three construction, when it shouldn't [/list]