Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9 are now available!


Survive the ever increasing pressure of time for as long as you can! A minimalistic incremental game about time management that takes inspiration from roguelite games, with a focus on meta-progression. Every generation has a better chance at survival, because previous lives influence its instincts

Over three months in the making and finally ready to be played! The new chapters are designed to expand the content in a way where run-based decisions have a bigger impact on progression, throughout these new chapters. Featuring one new skill, used exclusively for a new mechanic that introduces some new rewards that persist between runs. Thank you for your patience during the long wait, I hope the time it took makes sense when you see all the new content! The branching I wanted to introduce really benefited from releasing multiple chapters at once, as they come with a new form of pathing. I won't spoil too much, it'll make sense soon enough as it gradually unfolds by playing! Other changes: [list] [*] The combat-stop notification that tells you there's something less lethal you can do, now gives an example of something you can do. To prevent confusion with small oversights [*] The maximum recovery value per second of your current food supply is now displayed in the inventory [*] You can now right-click jobs to run them once. For those that wanted picture-perfect manual finetuning [*] You can now shift+click explorations to bypass combat safety checks for the most part. It still automates to stall, but won't stop for manual jobs or constructions. Allowing you to end runs faster and skip the repetitive loop that bothered some players in some stages of the game [*] The reincarnation screen now also displays skills that didn't improve their instinct in the current generation [*] The inventory is now visually ordered by [food > food resource > construction resource], rather than just [food > resource] [*] Times between 10 and 1 seconds now also display milliseconds, to be slightly more detailed about speed improvements at lower numbers [*] Automation unlock progression in the menu tab is now shown after encountering an action once, rather than completing it once. Takes one run to populate data. The reincarnation screen still only shows progression after one completion [*] The automations menu tab now includes information about damage effects such as combat for explorations, to provide a little clearer information in preparation of runs [*] The manual paused state is now stored in your save, so exporting a save or closing the game will retain that state [*] Added the total experience earned per skill to the reincarnation screen tooltips and generation history tab [*] Added an icon to the reincarnation screen that allows you to see the main screen when hovered, to see the exact point where your run ended [*] When automations trigger to stall combat, low priority jobs are now also triggered if nothing else can [*] Health decay now properly updates its number when switching explorations if the game is manually paused [*] Reduced the automation requirement for dig copper from 250 to 200 completions [*] Skill levels now display their full number above 1000, instead of being formatted the usual way. They now use comma separation for readability [*] Skill multipliers below one now display an additional decimal, mostly for something that would be a spoiler [*] The reincarnation skill improvements now properly size if no instinct levels went up (only really happened with over-grinding after game completion) [*] Reworded/expanded some tooltips to help with common confusions [*] Skills now display slightly more consistent early game, if unlocked once but not leveled up yet [*] The cap jobs to construction option is now enabled by default for new saves [*] Reworked how the inventory and queue scrollbars are introduced, to keep positioning of content a little more consistent [*] Fixed a rare bug where capping jobs to construction requirements could conflict with combat stops [*] Fixed a rare bug where a skill would appear below the reincarnation screen time-spent-bar in specific number rounding situations [*] Fixed a rare bug where job progress could reset if switching queued items caused the construction cap to be below current progress [*] Fixed a minor bug that could queue an action twice in a row if only one action was queued [*] Fixed a bug that could cause the fatal error screen to not properly include your save-code [*] Fixed a bug in the combat safeties that could cause them not to stop for less-dangerous explorations in specific situations [*] Fixed a bug that could cause numbers in tooltips not to be properly formatted when hovering queued actions [*] Reworked some internal handling of content-data. Initially useful for me during content creation, but it's also a step towards hopefully supporting custom-story mods somewhere down the line [*] Constructions now properly disappear from the queue when completed, if another action was instantly auto-queued [*] Constructions that were still in the queue after completion no longer auto-queue their resource jobs [*] Fixed a bug that caused the "save & exit" button not to exit when Steam Cloud was disabled [/list] As a last note I want to thank all of you for the enthusiasm, feedback and support that the game has already received so shortly after launching into Early Access. You've been absolutely incredible in helping me take this passion project to the next level! From a roadmap point-of-view, this might have been a logical moment to increase the base price of the game a bit. That may still happen when the game has expanded a bit more (for players that haven't gotten the game yet), but I've decided against that for now. Instead, if you do feel like the game would be worth more to you, I would like to ask you to consider gifting that difference to charity instead. There are some real heroes that have a far better use for it due to how all that's happened recently. Cheers, have fun! This is far from the last update, but I certainly can't wait to hear what you all think about it! Gniller