Game s..." inertia> Game s..." inertia> Game s..." inertia> Polishing for automation and queue handling | Increlution | Gamehypes

Polishing for automation and queue handling


Survive the ever increasing pressure of time for as long as you can! A minimalistic incremental game about time management that takes inspiration from roguelite games, with a focus on meta-progression. Every generation has a better chance at survival, because previous lives influence its instincts

[list] [*] Added an "automation behavior" section to the ingame settings tab (Menu (ESC) > Game settings) with three new options related to automation [*] Added an automation option that causes empty jobs to be automated with "run once", if triggered when empty. Causing stocking up to happen after other actions of the same priority have completed, rather than before [*] Added an automation option to trigger low priority explorations with "stop before completion", if their time left is above 1 second [*] Added an automation option that allows you to prevent automatic refilling of the inventory when no automated explorations of a lower priority are available. Low priority used to do this, but this behavior now adjust to this configuration instead [*] Food-resource automations now trigger as "run once" if triggered by a cooking action that was initiated as "run once" as well [*] When jobs are automated to stall during combat, it now uses "run once" to get back to fighting as quickly as possible. This especially helps efficiency at lower maximum health values [*] Stalling with automations now properly triggers when starting a damaging exploration, if it is unable to start the exploration right away. Instead of triggering the warning too quickly [*] When queuing the same action as the last queued action, it now updates run options instead of skipping it (such as stop before completion) [*] Slightly reworked how hiding of resources in the inventory is handled with specific explorations, aiming to tackle a display bug that could cause resources to remain visible in the inventory when they were actually lost [*] Slightly reworked how queued actions are picked up as active action when moving forward in your queue, to tackle a few rare edge-cases that could cause actions to fail from starting [*] Reworked when passive jobs are processed in the gameloop, to prevent very rare queue conflicts with automation [*] Passive cooking jobs no longer trigger resource automation, to prevent some interruptions that could conflict with your queue [*] Fixed a bug that caused the first generation of new game+ to not properly add maximum health, if new game+ was initiated from the reincarnation screen [*] Fixed a bug in "stop before completion" that could cause the next queued action to be skipped upon stopping the active action [*] Fixed an issue that caused the "replace on start" option to sometimes trigger for automations when it should only apply to manual actions [*] Fixed a display bug that caused the reincarnation screen maximum health tooltip to not reset after new game plus, until the multiplier became above 1 again [*] Fixed a situation where if the game paused directly after a high-speed job, the bar could remain visually active during that pause [*] Corrected a small mathematical accuracy issue in the percentual timediff notation, for times slower than last run [*] Added a bit of text to clarify that you lose access to a chapter two job with a certain exploration [/list]