Kat Fight!


Level up your team as you venture further and further from your home, collect unique items, defeat epic bosses, gain mutations and return home so you can breed and further your bloodline, in this turn based legacy roguelike draft sim about cats!

So, as many of you know, Mewgenics started as a game jam prototype that went into [url=https://www.polygon.com/23426622/mewgenics-binding-of-isaac-sequel-impressions-preview]development 10 years ago[/url], but was sadly canceled 8 months into development. During this time, a large chunk of music was made, and the track we are unveiling today was one of the first. We present to you "Kat Fight", a now 10-year-old song that will finally see the light of day, accompanied by well over 40 more fully produced and jaw-droppingly good bangers by the amazing [url=https://ridiculon.bandcamp.com/]Ridiculon[/url]. Enjoy, -Edmund [previewyoutube=4EzCG2weOKw;full][/previewyoutube]