Hotfix v11864S

Winter Survival

Dive into the ultimate winter survival experience and see if you can survive long enough for rescue to arrive. Experience our unique sanity system that takes survival to the next level.

A quick hotfix to rebalance gains and losses when sleeping and fixing 2 crash issues. The quick fixing of the crash issues was possible thanks to everyone using the crash reporting tool. So keep doing it :) [h2]Balancing[/h2] [list] [*]The Story Woodcutter Hut Shelter when sleeping now restores: [list] [*] +14 energy per hour slept (was +12). [*] The thirst and hunger gains have been reduced to -1 thirst per hour (was -3) and -6 hunger per hour (was an outrageous -14) respectively. [*] Heat loss reduced to -3 heat per hour (was -6). [/list] [*] Endless mode and craftable beds have been rebalanced similarly. [/list] [h2]Stability[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a crash when toggling Instinct Mode on/off while being near certain items. [*] Fixed a crash related to setting weather data on events. [/list]