Game Updates for the Next Two Weeks

Winter Survival

Dive into the ultimate winter survival experience and see if you can survive long enough for rescue to arrive. Experience our unique sanity system that takes survival to the next level.

There will not be an update for the weekend today as we are working on larger updates for the end of next week and the following week. And we’d like to take a moment to give you a preview of the things that you can expect in terms of game updates over the next few weeks: [b]Combat Rework[/b] We have reworked the combat system quite significantly. The aim was to make combat smoother and slightly more dynamic. A good example is impaling with the spear. While it made some sense for your character to fall on his butt when impaling a wolf, the recovery time and looking sideways while falling turned out to be rather disorienting. We have thus reworked combat starting with the spear as it is currently the primary weapon. It is much smoother now, we added block, made tweaks to throwing and also stats. Axe will be next. We never intended for the axe to be a weapon as such, but will now lean more in that direction. [b]Trolley[/b] Trolley is intended to take on a more important part of the game in the future, to become the basis of a mobile base. Apart of more fixes and tweaks, we are adding new functionality and mechanics to the trolley. Storage is one such thing so you can have mobile storage. We are even adding a holder for a torch to the trolley so you don’t have to relay on batteries when it gets dark (that’s why we increased torch duration in update #5). There is also a mechanics coming where your trolley might suffer damage or break, along with new items to loot in order to perform the necessary repairs. [b]Side Quests[/b] Side quests are coming to the game and will either lead you to explore some special places or add new smaller locations. The idea is also for side quests to provide some unique rewards. Side Quests will be available both in Story and Endless Mode. [b]Survival Adventure[/b] Speaking of Endless mode, we will rename it to Survival Adventure since the name Endless was a really bad choice. We also make it the first selection and Story the second one. In the future (after Story Act II) we will be adding more scenarios to this mode to have more interesting choices than Sickness and House scenarios. The idea here is to add scenarios that introduce players to different ways to survive and play the game. [b]New Animals[/b] We know we need a better variety when it comes to animals and we will be adding new ones, starting with foxes and mountain goats. While some will not have any special behaviours, some others will be more complex. Case in point the fox. It will react to wolves in the vicinity and the fox will be different when hunting it. You can’t trap it by placing a trap and put some bait in it. It’s a cunning animal and it will steal the bait. You will however be able to attract it with a special bait in your hand and for example place a trap in front of you. Those are the highlights of what’s coming next week and the week after. Some smaller things not explicitly mentioned above build upon the changes to combat, so we can't release them before releasing the combat changes first. Hence the decision to roll them out later and in one update.