Game Update #12 is out!

Winter Survival

Dive into the ultimate winter survival experience and see if you can survive long enough for rescue to arrive. Experience our unique sanity system that takes survival to the next level.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38695406/5238aec55652c93a23abc94a67e651f39c514dcb.jpg[/img] [h2]New & Improvements[/h2] [list] [*] Added Blocking to the How to Play tutorial [*] Now in the crafting bench you can open the ingredients' recipe by clicking on it. [*] We added pointers to the building mechanic to improve visibility of building slots. [*] Bedrolls are now crafted into the inventory rather than being instantly placed to be built. If you wish to build a bedroll, simply deploy it from your inventory. [*] In Story Mode Campfire UI now automatically closes after starting the fire. [*] Wind and flags now have new sound effects. [*] New sound sets added to the Combat System. [*] Mortar and Wardrobe are now destroyable by Hammer. [*] Trolley brakes should now work when riding backwards. [*] Reparented shelter and cave buffs to stat rating buffs. They now both provide +10 cold reduction as long as they're active. [*] We replaced two slopes in the building system with one, which makes building a roof easier. [/list] [h2]Balance[/h2] [list] [*] Weight Pass: Adjusted and rebalanced weight of over 500 in-game items. [*] Clothes: 26 items [*] Consumables: 221 items [*] Containers: 5 items [*] Fuel: 16 items [*] Devices: 5 items [*] Knives: 5 items [*] Misc. Items: 69 items [*] Quest Items: 59 items [*] Axes, Spears and Torches: 16 items [*] Raised the max distance of building next to a crafting station from 800 to 1200. [*] Balanced the Cooking Outside Event. Now the check is each 180s instead of 300s. Chances for boar and bear have risen to 27.5% and 2.5% respectfully. [*] Balanced chances to trigger The Bear The Host event. Explorer: 2% to 5%, Survivalist: 5% to 10%. [*] Maximum speed for the Trolley has been slightly reduced. [*] Tweaked base building collisions for better shelter detection. [*] Tweaked base building collisions for better shelter detection. [*] Decreased time of drying for all skins. From 800 seconds to: -320 for boar, -300 for deer, -200 for fox, -180 for rabbit, -240 for wolf. [/list] [h2]Rebalanced the recipes for animal skin clothes [/h2] [table equalcells=1] [tr] [th]Item[/th] [th]Old Recipe[/th] [th]New Recipe[/th] [/tr] [tr] [th]Gloves[/th] [th][list] [*] 6 dried rabbit skins [*] 2 leather straps [*] 2 gluesticks [/list][/th] [th][list] [*] 6 leather straps [*] 2 gluesticks [*] 2 bone needles [*] 4 leather pieces [*] 4 thread [/list][/th] [/tr] [tr] [th]Hat[/th] [th][list] [*] 1 dried deer skin [*] 2 dried rabbit skins [*] 4 leather straps [*] 1 glue stick [/list][/th] [th][list] [*] 2 dried rabbit skins [*] 4 leather straps [*] 1 gluestick [*] 2 bone needles [*] 2 thread [/list][/th] [/tr] [tr] [th]Pants[/th] [th][list] [*] 1 dried deer skin [*] 18 leather straps [*] 2 gluesticks [/list][/th] [th][list] [*] 1 dried deer skin [*] 14 leather straps [*] 2 gluesticks [*] 4 bone needles [*] 6 thread [/list][/th] [/tr] [tr] [th]Jacket[/th] [th][list] [*] 4 dried deer skins [*] 10 dried rabbit skins [*] 24 leather straps [*] 10 gluesticks [/list][/th] [th][list] [*] 2 dried deer skins [*] 6 leather straps [*] 2 glue sticks [*] 4 bone needles [*] 6 threads [/list][/th] [/tr] [/table] [h2]Bugfixes[/h2] [list] [*] Wolf Sleep Event - now we have a chance to be attacked only if we sleep in wolf territory not every time [*] Two rare crashes were fixed, both related to animals and the game’s garbage collection system. [*] Fixed bug with wrong Trolley placement after loading the game. [*] Fixed an issue with crafting Sewn Clothes in Endless mode when starting with good equipment. Now recipes will be able to use both Winter and Torn Winter clothing. [*] Fixed an issue with the cursor appearing on screen after crafting from a quick slot. [*] Fixed a bug with Cow Catcher snapping to a build slot where a Cowcatcher is already attached. [*] Added description to the walkie-talkie item. [*] Now lockpicking requires having a lockpick. [*] Disabled the “New Objective” notification for hidden objectives. [*] In Story Mode Bonfire UI now automatically closes after starting the fire. [*] Wetness status is now displayed correctly on wet items in equipment slots. [*] Fixed a bug related to clothes when drying not storing durability when saved. [*] Fixed an issue with double ESC in Adaptation and Inventory widgets. [*] Grabbing while jumping should me more consistent now. [*] Now only the placed compass markers are increasing the counter of the placed markers. [/list] [h2]Visuals[/h2] [list] [*] Added default icon for objectives to improve readability. [*] Added tooltip name wrapping. [*] Changed text and icon color to red when the weight is higher than max capacity. [*] Added more options to display maps/images properly on HUD. [*] Added a new icon for Tall Grass in inventory. [*] New meshes for animal skins. [/list]