Game Update #11 is here!

Winter Survival

Dive into the ultimate winter survival experience and see if you can survive long enough for rescue to arrive. Experience our unique sanity system that takes survival to the next level.

[h2]Improvements[/h2] [list] [*] Disabled camera sway during placement of objects to allow more precise placement. [*] Left Wall Slope / Right Wall Slopes should now be rotatable (Q and R keys by default). [*] New animation set when limping while there are no items in hand when afflicted with "Sprained Ankle". [/list] [h2]Balancing[/h2] [list] [*] Adjusted jump height so that it feels like you can actually jump properly. Some of the “jump puzzles” have been adjusted accordingly. This change has actually been done in game update #10 already, but was missing in the patch notes. [*] Drinking from the canteen will now restore thirst 2.5x faster (~4 seconds to fill full bar at default settings). So drinking speed from the canteen is more in-line with the drinking speed from a river. [*] Heat gain while positive increased 5x (you should be able to warm up much faster in any situation where you are warm). [*] You will no longer gain insanity when cold if you are gaining heat. The insanity circle for heat will stop as long as your heat is rising. [*] Stack size on Stone, Flint, Large Stone, Wooden Log Chunk, Large Branch and Branch increased to 100 in order to take less slots since you are likely carrying or storing a large amount of these. [*] Berry Bushes will now grant you 3-5 berries instead of 5-8. [*] Berries now restore 1 hunger and 1 thirst instead of 5 to reduce reliance on berries as main food / thirst source. Rosa Fruit adjusted to 2 instead of 5 as it is more rare. [*] Fox will now run away with higher speed if noticing the player or wolf. [/list] [h2]Bugfixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed torch durability not always showing the correct amount when interacting with Torch Holder. [*] Removed debug "flying red ball" that could appear in various places. [*] Removed wrong 'version' from the Main Menu (it was showing v1.0.0 in bottom right side). [*] Fixes to limping animations with spear and canteen when ankle is broken. [*] Removed random Borscht lying on the floor in Fox Glade. [*] Fixed an issue where you could get stuck on Sickness scenario if you put syrup recipe fragments into the chest. [*] Fixed an issue where "Shelter Campfire" would always 'visually' be on and have no sound regardless of actual state. [*] Fixed an issue where Infected Wound could keep coming back repeatedly even after removing it. [*] Fixed an issue in Story mode with Bonfire where adding resources sometimes did not complete the objective properly or replaced the bonfire for an interactive one. [/list] [h2]Crashes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a crash related to an invalid event trying to be triggered when saving, loading, or triggering during gameplay. [*] Fixed a crash related to Item Holding. [*] Fixed a crash with Alert widget when animal despawns. [*] Fixed a crash that could occur when crafting Trolley Storage Upgrade. [/list] [h2]Visuals[/h2] [list] [*] Adjusted textures on Trolley Crafting Station to be nicer. [*] Minor tweak to grass and snow brightness. [*] Fog values adjusted slightly. [*] Fox Snack model updated. [*] Changed the mesh of the Bridge near Trolley Gate / Fox Glade. [/list]