Development Updates #23

An Amazing Wizard

An Amazing Wizard is a 2D fast-paced metroidvania-inspired spell-slinging roguelike where you'll create spells. Master the magic of 7 elements. Merge 120+ unique spells in any order. Enhance your spells and melee weapons. Defeat enemies to level up and choose from 250 perks. Discover 250 artifacts.

[h1]πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ Development Updates #23[/h1] In the last 2 weeks we were mainly working on creating the final level called The Void, changing order of main meta progression upgrades to make them more gradual, making the last inventory tab useful and adding QOL to the Inventory (animations and extra shortcuts for controllers). [h2]βœ… Added:[/h2] [list] [*] [b][Biomes] Added walking ground for the final level called The Void.[/b] [*] [b][Items] Added Spellweaver's Soul. It's an item allowing you to summon the Spellweaver to your current location so you won't need to search for him in order to merge spells anymore. It is always present in your Inventory.[/b] [*] [b][Items] It's now possible to pick up Health Potions to use them later.[/b] [*] [b][Audio] Added general battle music.[/b] [*] [Tutorial] Added short tutorial informing about how to use the new Spellweaver's Soul item. [*] [Items / QOL] When you have full health and try to pickup Healing Potion then it will automatically add it to your inventory without using it. [*] [Items / QOL] It's now impossible to use Healing Potions from the Inventory when on full health. [*] [UI / QOL] Added animation of the currently selected Inventory Element. [*] [UI / QOL] Added button shortcuts for Merging and Swapping Slots in Spells Merging window to make it easier to use on a controller. [*] [UI / QOL] Added button shortcut for quick Selling Item to the Shopkeeper. [*] [Enemies] Added new attack to the Butcher Rat. [*] [Loading Screen] Added 2 new tips on loading screen. [*] [Rooms] Every Challenge Room have a chance to become Elite Challenge Room spawning only elite enemies, but granting extra Artifact after completing. [*] [Biomes] Added The Void tiles (walking ground). [/list] [h2]πŸ”„ Changed:[/h2] [list] [*] [b][Meta Progression] Changed order of all upgrades inside Crystal Altar.[/b] [*] [Magic Weapons] Butcher's Axe is now treated as a projectile. [/list] [h2]βš™οΈ Fixed:[/h2] [list] [*] [Audio] Fixed a bug where some UI elements were playing for the second time after closing the UI window. [*] [Dialog] Fixed a bug where you could instantly skip all dialogues by slightly moving the controller stick (because each slight movement was treated as a separate button press). [*] [Dialog] Fixed a bug where it was possible to use ladders while the Dialog window was visible. [*] [Map] Fixed a bug where player could get outside the map using moving platforms. [*] [Traps] Fixed a bug where traps supposed to deal damage over time were not dealing any damage to the player. [*] [Doors] Fixed a bug where some doors were not loading correctly. [*] [Moving Platforms] Fixed a bug where moving platforms activated by switch could not be activated when the switch was too far from the platform. [/list] Make sure to check out our official [url=]Discord server[/url] to discuss anything you want and give your suggestions! [url=][/url] Stay tuned for the next updates!