Development Updates #22

An Amazing Wizard

An Amazing Wizard is a 2D fast-paced metroidvania-inspired spell-slinging roguelike where you'll create spells. Master the magic of 7 elements. Merge 120+ unique spells in any order. Enhance your spells and melee weapons. Defeat enemies to level up and choose from 250 perks. Discover 250 artifacts.

[h1]πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ Development Updates #22[/h1] In the last 2 weeks we were mainly working on adding spoken dialogues, replacing soundtracks with real ones, balancing and bug fixes. [h2]βœ… Added:[/h2] [list] [*] [b][Dialogs] Added spoken dialogues (experimental).[/b] [*] [b][Dialogs] Player now speaks after collecting any item (experimental).[/b] [*] [b][Enemies] Added new enemy called Ancient Scarab.[/b] [*] [b][Music] Added real Ancient Desert level track.[/b] [*] [b][Music] Replaced Shop track with real one.[/b] [*] [Meta Progression] Unlocked items now spawn near NPCs locations so you can test them right away after unlocking. [*] [Starting Room] Teleporting Altar now always spawns very close to the Spellweaver location. [/list] [h2]πŸ”„ Changed:[/h2] [list] [*] [b][Localization] Shortened all items and perks descriptions.[/b] [*] [Audio] Reduced Shop, Quest and Spellweaver NPCs music change range. [*] [Settings] Adjusted default audio settings. [*] [Enemies] Flying enemies are now unable to spawn in Challenge Rooms because they could fly away from it, making it impossible to finish them. [*] [Challenges] Changed Lucky Survivor challenge: Now it required to kill the boss with 35 or less HP instead of the need of finishing a level with 35 or less HP. [*] [Level Generation] Reduced length of higher levels. [*] [Level Generation] Changed how levels are generated in the Void. [*] [Spells] Changed Energy Ball sprite to pixel art. [*] [UI] Improved visuals of Cooldown Icons (made them a little bit transparent). [*] [Enemies] Reduced Void Worm's Gravity Zone duration 3.5 => 2.25 [*] [Enemies] Reduced Hemlock Dragon's Thorn Spikes attack range 20 => 15 [*] [Enemies] Reduced enemies health and damage on highest difficulty levels. [/list] [h2]βš™οΈ Fixed:[/h2] [list] [*] [Curses] Enemies from Curse of the Eternal Battle will no longer spawn when dialog or minimap window is active. [*] [Curses] Fixed a bug where cursor was really hard to see when Curse of the Darkness was active. [*] [End Screen] Fixed a bug where enemies could spawn and attack you while End Screen with run stats was visible (they couldn't damage you anyway so it was just a visual thing). [*] [Inventory] Fixed a bug where when playing using Chinese language then the Inventory Items were overlapping each other (because of translation issues). [/list] Make sure to check out our official [url=]Discord server[/url] to discuss anything you want and give your suggestions! [url=][/url] Stay tuned for the next updates!