The demo access has been closed, but we will soon release the free Prologue!

An Amazing Wizard

An Amazing Wizard is a 2D fast-paced metroidvania-inspired spell-slinging roguelike where you'll create spells. Master the magic of 7 elements. Merge 120+ unique spells in any order. Enhance your spells and melee weapons. Defeat enemies to level up and choose from 250 perks. Discover 250 artifacts.

[h3]Dear Wizards,[/h3] The demo in its current state is [b]very outdated[/b] and may give a bad impression of the game. Therefore, we have decided to temporarily close access to it. We will rework the demo before bringing it back live. [h3]However, the free Prologue will be released on 27 September![/h3] The Prologue version will provide a much better experience than the current demo, closer to reflecting the actual game feel, with fewer bugs and many QOL features added. Here are some sample features of Prologue compared to the Demo version: [list] [*] [Systems] [b]Added Spells Merging system[/b] - you will now be able to combine any spells together. [*] [Systems] [b]Added Mana System[/b] - spells now require mana to use to avoid braindead spamming them. It was a mandatory change after adding the Spells Merging. [*] [Systems] [b]Added 13 Steam Achievements.[/b] [*] [Systems] [b]Reworked Meta Progression[/b] - in the demo you was forced to do unlock most of the meta progression in order to finish it's whole content and we didn't like such approach of simple stats upgrades. It was also causing the "balance nightmare" problem. That's why it got reworked (but it's gonna be changed again in the main version). [*] [Biomes] [b]Changed available worlds from the Hell and Ice Land to The Hell and Ancient Desert[/b] - desert world is much cooler than the ice one! [*] [Bosses] [b]Replaced temporary dragons with real bosses![/b] [*] [Items] [b]Added 30~ new Spells, Artifacts and Magic Weapons.[/b] [*] [Controllers] [b]Fixed all bugs related to controllers.[/b] [*] [UI] [b]Reworked Inventory and few other UI windows.[/b] [*] [QOL] [b]Greatly improved visibility of all spells and effects.[/b] [*] [QOL] [b]Added special sound and short time slow when taking damage.[/b] [*] [QOL] [b]Added special effect when on low health.[/b] [*] [Tutorial] [b]Shortened tutorial dialogues[/b] - nobody likes reading too much [/list] There were tons of different changes besides the few listed above, but we didn't want to create big wall of text here. You can read the whole list in our [url= ]Discord server[/url] or by looking at the Development Updates here on Steam. See you in less than 1 week in the Prologue! ~Gobo