Development Updates #25

An Amazing Wizard

An Amazing Wizard is a 2D fast-paced metroidvania-inspired spell-slinging roguelike where you'll create spells. Master the magic of 7 elements. Merge 120+ unique spells in any order. Enhance your spells and melee weapons. Defeat enemies to level up and choose from 250 perks. Discover 250 artifacts.

[h1]πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ Development Updates #25[/h1] In the last 2 weeks we were mainly working on creating more decorations for The Void, new enemy and extra QOL changes. [h2]βœ… Added:[/h2] [list] [*] [b][Audio] Added general boss battle music.[/b] [*] [Enemies] Added new enemy called Dark Wizard. [*] [The Void] Added even more decorations inside the The Void (final level). [*] [QOL] Added special menu allowing to swap spells into the preferred slot without the need of unequipping the spell first. This is a very useful feature when using controllers. [*] [QOL] Added special menu allowing to put spell to the Main Spell or Sacrifice slot when merging spells. This is a very useful feature when using controllers. [*] [Settings] Added Game Quality setting allowing to select "Very High / High / Medium / Low / Potato" quality. Changing this value will automatically change values of all other performance related settings. [/list] [h2]βš™οΈ Fixed:[/h2] [list] [*] [UI] Fixed a bug where it was possible to open Inventory while minimap was maximized. [*] [UI] Fixed a bug where when swapping spells in the Inventory by using the right click of the mouse, the selected inventory element was not changing to the clicked item slot. [/list] Make sure to check out our official [url=]Discord server[/url] to discuss anything you want and give your suggestions! [url=][/url] Stay tuned for the next updates!