Development Updates #17

An Amazing Wizard

An Amazing Wizard is a 2D fast-paced metroidvania-inspired spell-slinging roguelike where you'll create spells. Master the magic of 7 elements. Merge 120+ unique spells in any order. Enhance your spells and melee weapons. Defeat enemies to level up and choose from 250 perks. Discover 250 artifacts.

[h1]πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ Development Updates #17[/h1] In the last 2 weeks we were mainly working on making summons able to cast spells and enchantments, creating extra animations for the Ancient Desert boss, improving the tutorial and making it more clear that you took damage or are on low health. [h2]βœ… Added:[/h2] [list] [*] [b][QOL] Added special sound when taking damage.[/b] [*] [b][QOL] Increased visual clarity when taking damage and when on low health.[/b] [*] [Bosses] Added new attack for the Ancient Desert boss. [*] [Summons] Summons are now able to use all spell enchantments. [*] [Spells] Added 6 new summoning spells. [*] [Quests] Added difficulty level restriction for some quests. Some quests were too hard at the beginning while others were too easy on higher difficulty levels. [*] [Tutorial] Added question mark towards Astral Portal in the first run activating after leaving the tutorial area. [/list] [h2]πŸ”„ Changed:[/h2] [list] [*] [b][Enemies] Bosses and Minibosses now always prioritize attacking player over summons or charmed enemies.[/b] [*] [Spells] Reduced base duration of all summoning spells to 8.25 seconds. [*] [Level Generation] Ice level can no longer be the first level in the first run. This had to be done because other biomes are better for introducing new players to the game. [*] [Destructive Objects] Buffed base chance of dropping Magic Weapons from destructive objects 5.5% => 6.85% [/list] [h2]βš™οΈ Fixed:[/h2] [list] [*] [b][Minimap] Enemies are now freezed(unable to do anything) while the minimap is open.[/b] [*] [Enchantments] Fixed a bug where sometimes enchantments debuffs were not working. [*] [Spellweaver] Fixed a bug where Spellweaver could sometimes spawn inside a wall. [*] [NPCs] Destructive objects should no longer spawn on top of NPCs (making it impossible to spawn items which were impossible to pick up) [*] [Destructive Objects] Fixed a bug where it was possible to abuse spawning first spells from destructive objects by exiting the level and loading it again, leading to having insane amount of spells. [*] [Dialogs] Fixed initial dialogue with the Void Eye. [*] [Summons] Summons of your summons will no longer attack you after few seconds. [*] [Summons] Fixed a bug where your summons could be damaged with your explosions. [*] [Enemies] Fixed a bug where Leech enemy was not moving after attacking their target. [*] [Enemies] Fixed Savage Rat attack hitbox - he was unable to deal any damage if his target was standing close enough to him. [/list] [h2]❌ Removed:[/h2] [list] [*] [Tutorial] Removed first mission from the tutorial (about jumping). [/list] Stay tuned for the next updates!