Development Updates #21

An Amazing Wizard

An Amazing Wizard is a 2D fast-paced metroidvania-inspired spell-slinging roguelike where you'll create spells. Master the magic of 7 elements. Merge 120+ unique spells in any order. Enhance your spells and melee weapons. Defeat enemies to level up and choose from 250 perks. Discover 250 artifacts.

[h1]πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ Development Updates #21[/h1] In the last 2 weeks we were mainly working on adding new enemies and QOL changes / bugfixes found when testing the Prologue version. [h2]βœ… Added:[/h2] [list] [*] [Spells] Added 6 new spells. [*] [Settings] Added option to show / hide percentage values of health, mana and XP (single setting called "Percentage Values"). [*] [Bosses] Added special system to prevent stun-locking bosses with the same debuff for eternity (no longer perma-freezing the Hell Boss for example). [*] [Enemies] Added new enemy called Necromancer. [*] [Enemies] Added new enemy called Graveyard Keeper. [*] [Enemies] Level 1 and 2 minibosses now spawn as normal enemies inside the Void (until real enemies are made for it). [*] [Bestiary] Added 20+ missing bestiary rewards (all current entries now have their rewards finished). [*] [Traps] Environment traps now can spawn inside The Void on all difficulty levels. [*] [Traps] Amount of environment traps is now based on the difficulty level. [*] [Resolutions] Added resolutions 2560 x 1440 and 3440 x 1440. [*] [Resolutions] Default resolution is now based on your display resolution. [/list] [h2]πŸ”„ Changed:[/h2] [list] [*] [Meta Progression] It's now possible to unlock up to 2 => 4 upgrades for each elemental Astral Forge. [*] [Enemies] Slimes now spawn more mini slimes based on their level. [*] [Enemies] Buffed all bosses damage. [*] [Enemies] Buffed experience points gained after killing bosses. [/list] [h2]βš™οΈ Fixed:[/h2] [list] [*] [Enemies] Fixed a bug where some enemies were not showing exclamation mark before attacking. [*] [Enemies] Fixed a bug where some enemies were not loading correctly. Old friend, the Spaghetti Monster strikes again. [*] [Audio] Fixed a bug where some sounds were not always played after playing for too long. [*] [Audio] Fixed a bug where some environment sounds were not playing when player was near them. [*] [Death] Fixed a bug where if you clicked outside the game window while dying then the game would remain freezed forever. [*] [Settings] Made changing sliders value in the settings less annoying (by removing constant drag sound when the value was changed). [*] [End Screen] Fixed a bug where level up notification was displayed on top of end game screen. [*] [UI] Fixed a bug where it was impossible to navigate UI with DPad. [*] [Environment] Fixed a bug where destructive elements and enemies could spawn loot multiple times if they were attacked by multiple spells in the same frame. [*] [Time] Fixed a bug where the time was elapsing when in the Astral World and Interlevel. [/list] [h2]❌ Removed:[/h2] [list] [*] [Enemies] Removed all temporary minibosses. [/list] Make sure to check out our official [url=]Discord Server[/url] to discuss anything you want and give your suggestions! [url=][/url] Stay tuned for the next updates!