Chapter II: A Study In Ink - Now Live!


Dive into the magic tomes of Vellum, a cooperative action roguelike. Discover pages of increasing power, sling ink-infused spells, and choose how your foes evolve - as a group or solo!

[h1]A Study In Ink - Overview[/h1] Welcome, Scribes! [b]Chapter II[/b] is here with [i]Vellum's[/i] [b]first new Signature Ink[/b]! Study up on Pink, Challenges, a new Tome, Boss, and more - but first, let's check out the roadmap progress: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44711349/5caf1721e97a7f849520e314de4b06b961dc134e.png[/img] This Chapter not only introduces expansions in [b]three different areas[/b] for the first time (Ink, Tome, Boss) - it also brings Signature Challenges and the Quest Board - laying the groundwork for exciting future features! As if that weren't enough - we're also excited to address some community feedback with [i]Skimming[/i] and a pair of quality of life features: [i]Page Damage Credit[/i] and [i]Randomized Loadouts[/i]. [h2]Pink Ink - Power, Potential, and Payoff[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44711349/44f8f5fd81d351da26d59da59aab9b0d987406cc.gif[/img] Pink is the Ink of [b]potential[/b]; strategic preparation leads to powerful results as you set up plans - then execute them at the perfect moment. Pink also breaks the rules with its Signature Spell - gaining 2[b] Charges[/b] and a [b]10s Cooldown[/b]! [b]OUTLINE[/b] - Spells that apply Outline also store their damage dealt around foes. Lingering Outlines on slain foes become Drafts. [b]DRAFT[/b] - Condensed potential damage created by Pink Mana. [b]FINALIZE[/b]- Purge all Outlines and Drafts, dealing stored damage. [h2]Signature Challenges - Start of the Quest Board[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44711349/b59dfa25aa31982f07661e6a27364b3554c59064.jpg[/img] Mending [i]The Quests and Trials of a Mercenary Band[/i] will unlock the [b]Quest Board[/b] - and with it, the new [b]Signature Challenges[/b]! These Ink-specific goals will incentivize playing with your Signature Inks in specific ways - and reward long-term dedication to your favorites! The Quest Board will be home to more upcoming goodies in future updates. [i]What else might make its way from Tome to Library?[/i] [h2]Tome - On the Nature of Seasons[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44711349/4a2737972e1e497c9d8790693d9014da1e66f53a.jpg[/img] Brave the winter cold, bask in the summer sun, and weather the Torn's relentless hunger in [i]Vellum's[/i] first new Tome: On the Nature of Seasons! This Tome is available on the third shelf after defeating [i]Quarry[/i] and reaching [i]Attunement 15[/i] (or completing any Tome/any Binding level if already meeting these requirements). Scribes will venture forth to combat the elements and their foes as this new Tome cycles quickly through the seasons! The Font will aid you, making your favored seasons even stronger! [h2]New Boss[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44711349/325a83c8d390d9c67b52dbb38f7283b7ad7e8a5a.jpg[/img] [i][b]It won't sting you. Promise.[/b][/i] [h2]Quality of Life, Feedback, and Speed![/h2] Feedback continues to drive us; from the stray ideas and musings to the more fundamental questions and feelings - we truly value and take to heart your responses to [i]Vellum[/i]! We're making a move to address something we've seen a lot of feedback on: [b]movement speed[/b]! We've also heard the request for more information on builds - and after the last update - a way to shuffle loadouts quickly! Here's a quick summary of these new adjustments: [b]Skimming[/b] - Scribe movement speed increases significantly outside combat and directly after movement spells [b]Pages Damage Credit[/b] - The end of game screen will now show damage attribution to specific Pages (where possible) [b]Randomize Loadout[/b] - A strange box has appeared next to the Loadout Podium, allowing quick, randomized Loadouts! [i]Vellum[/i] continues its journey in [b]Chapter II: A Study In Ink[/b] - and we couldn't be more thrilled for you to join us! - The Vellum Team [h1]Chapter II: A Study In Ink - Full Patch Notes[/h1] [h3]Signature Ink: Pink[/h3] -- [b]Pink Ink[/b]: Spells that apply Outline also store their damage dealt around foes. Lingering Outlines on slain foes become Drafts. -- [b]Passive[/b]: Generator will apply Outline. -- [b]Mana[/b]: When a Spender consumes Pink Mana, they Outline foes hit and create a Draft. -- [b]Signature Spell[/b]: Finalize all Outlines and Drafts, dealing their stored damage. Starts with 2 charges and reduced cooldown [h3]Signature Challenges[/h3] -- Nine new Challenges for each Signature Ink -- Rewards Cosmetics, Gildings -- Introduces the Quest Board [h3]New Tome: On the Nature of Seasons[/h3] -- Awarded from beating Quarry and reaching Attunement 15 (or any Tome completion if requirements already met) -- Cycles through the four Seasons, providing new environmental benefits against the Torn [h3]New Raving Boss: Fractalux[/h3] [h3]Quality of Life Features[/h3] -- Skimming: Gain movement speed outside of combat and immediately following movement spells -- Page Damage Credit: Endgame stats screen will now attribute damage to Page picks (where possible) -- Randomize Loadout Chest: New button in Library fully randomizes equipped loadout [h2]General + Fixes [/h2] - New Pages of Power can now be found! - Tooltips that mention Spells now show Button Icons in addition to Spell name - Loadouts now use the term "Bookmark" to add extra flavor - [b]Swoop[/b] homing has been adjusted to reduce likelihood of getting stuck - Adjusted camera intensity for Quip (lowered) - Adjusted camera intensity for Callback (slightly increased) - [b]Page of Power: Inflated Id[/b] now scales correctly with Flourishing Splash - [b]Page of Power: Rush of Memories[/b] now has SFX - [b]Page of Power: Bounce Around[/b] should no longer multiply shields - [b]Font Power: Mountain of Mana[/b] now grants mana based on when the power is unlocked - [b]Font Power: Footprints[/b] adjusted VFX - Torn: Landslides have been renamed to Stalagmights - Added Foliage Quality in Settings - Volume settings when first playing Vellum should behave properly - Rearranged some Signature Ink UI layout - Adjusted collision in some Maps - Various Icon adjustments