Carth 0.1.5c Storms and Skies Update


Carth is a survival rpg set in a ravaged open world. You will need to explore, build, and fight to thrive. Gain extraordinary skills as you take on an incredible evil. Join together or go at it alone as you attempt to survive Carth.

Storms and Skies Update offers a major visual overhaul throughout Carth. This will be the first of many more to come aiming to not only bring a better visual fidelity to the game, but to aim for a better immersion and feel throughout. Let us take a look a this weeks patch notes below. [b]What does this Patch Bring?[/b] [b]Carth 0.1.5c[/b] ~Invert Y axis on camera movement added to options menu ~4 New types of farming plants added ~Barley ~Rice ~Sugar Cane ~Wheat ~Map work ~New Crafting Recipes ~Various merchant now sell new recipes ~Various merchants now sell farming seeds ~Various merchant now sell new vegetables ~Added new recipes to loot drop tables ~Added new vegetables and seeds to loot drop tables ~Massive VFX Overhaul ~Character Creation UI Rework ~New Sky box, Clouds, and Volumetric Lighting ~Sky lighting changes ~Shadow enhancements and changes ~Small bug fixes and tweaks ~New character creation scene ~GPU optimizations ~UI work throughout game ~Continued changing text and color ~Fixed bug where some built items caused player into fall animation ~Fixed internal issues causing warning and errors