Carefully balance mobility, firepower and armour in a dedicated tank designer. Then uncarefully put them to the test in a series of combat scenarios progressing through the ages of the tank. Here, your limit is what you can fit inside your hull and turret while still being able to move forwards.
Hi all,
This patch allows pre-0.2 designs to be loaded in 0.2.
A lot has changed between 0.127 and 0.2 so the conversion isn't perfect and will require a minute or two of manual updates.
[b]How it loads[/b]
[b]After a minute of manual tweaks[/b]
[b]If one of your blueprints isn't loading, saving it in 0.126 or 0.127 (experimental branch) before loading it in 0.2 might fix it.[/b]
[*] Fixed tracks not syncing rolling resistance with the current time-period.
[*] Fixed vehicles not loading if they use a custom decal which is no longer in the custom decal folder.
[*] Fixed audio volume not matching current mixing settings on non-editor vehicles.
[*] Wooden trim vanes now show ingame again.
[*] Disabled hull shape edit part repositioning for vehicle powertrains (this caused the tracks to move as well).
[*] Reworked track movement sound effects over the weekend. Now blending between multiple samples at different speeds, instead of changing the tempo of a single sample. It's also much louder at low speeds.
[*] Normalized audio volume of effects. Generally lowered across the board so you may need to raise your effect volume in the audio settings.
[*] The Dunes map is now temporarily playable as the sandbox map.
[h3]Backwards compatibility issues[/h3]
These will need manual updating:
[*] Some parts will have wildly off rotations.
[*] Cannon placement couldn't be feasibly preserved. All cannons on 0.127 vehicles will be loaded in next to the vehicle, allowing you to place them again.
[*] Plates use up to x6 the number of vertices in 0.2. There's a limit of 32,767 vertices per structure, so if your pre-0.2 design has a compartment with more than 5,461 vertices, it might not be able to load in 0.2. This is only really an issue if you've used external tools to load detailed models into the game.
[h3]Lost data[/h3]
[*] Spare tracks
[*] Spare wheels
[*] Part flip state
[*] Generated fenders
[*] Rivets
[*] Cannon placement
[*] Paint job tint
[*] Laying drive setups
[h3]Turret-addon structure conversion[/h3]
Since some people often used turrets in place of addon structures, turrets will be converted to 0.2 if either of the following conditions are met:[list]
[*] The basket volume is set to 0 and the torque is handcranked or set to minimum motor torque.
[*] The min and max constraints are both set to 0, preventing all turret rotation.
[/list]Should this generate a false positive, you can place the addon structure on a new turret base and it should function the same.
Once any issues with this patch are fixed, work starts on bringing scenarios back to 0.2.
- Hamish