0.2.5 - Crew Posture Rework (Geometrics Alpha)


Carefully balance mobility, firepower and armour in a dedicated tank designer. Then uncarefully put them to the test in a series of combat scenarios progressing through the ages of the tank. Here, your limit is what you can fit inside your hull and turret while still being able to move forwards.

Hi all, This update is for the 0.2 alpha branch, so you'll need to opt-in to play it: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40992535/d3987dbd1af5d3e89278c8b07e45bc608fb55289.png[/img] Here's the promised crew posture editing rework. Switching over from constrained slider editing to dragging of individual joints to wherever you need them. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40992535/27ef7972f1b71d2e6414d047c3f5433b4bde789d.gif[/img] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed certain obstruction checks not taking plate thickness into account, this may invalidate some designs, sorry. [*] Fixed a cause of parts being incorrectly obstructed. [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] You now have full control over the posture of crewmembers. [*] Crewmember height changed from 186cm (6ft 1) to 178cm (5ft 10) [*] Made crew member obstruction hitboxes more accurate and more forgiving. [*] Added a (rough-placeholder) list showing all obstructions of the selected part. Found under the "Part" dropdown when a part is selected. [*] Disabled obstructions by turret ring thickness until this is visualized properly. [*] Readded red tiger paint job. [/list] [h2]Optimization[/h2] [list] [*] Sped up detection of which part is under the cursor. Up to x2 faster on complex vehicles. [*] Significantly sped up part obstruction checks. Up to x2 faster on complex vehicles, with a noticeable FPS increase during part moves or edits. [*] The physics system is now fully disabled in the vehicle editor. [*] Almost doubled CPU drawing speed of graphics overlays. Used to draw things like points and edges in freeform. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40992535/7e5331435a64dd82de84a3880c9c19a8b32025f5.png[/img] Work now begins on finishing the new damage model and letting you see some combat once again. - Hamish