0.2.7 - Track Tension Tweaks (Geometrics Alpha)


Carefully balance mobility, firepower and armour in a dedicated tank designer. Then uncarefully put them to the test in a series of combat scenarios progressing through the ages of the tank. Here, your limit is what you can fit inside your hull and turret while still being able to move forwards.

Hi all, Just some fixes and tweaks for Wednesday's patch before I start work on reintroducing combat. This update is for the 0.2 alpha branch, so you'll need to opt-in to play it: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40992535/d3987dbd1af5d3e89278c8b07e45bc608fb55289.png[/img] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a crash when setting the length of the generated hull to a negative value. [*] Fixed rapid oscillating of track belts at speeds. More noticeable on low physics quality settings. [*] Belt segments will now never sag into the two wheels supporting them. [*] Belt segment pins now align better. [*] Belt physics sag amount now perfectly matches the sag shown in the vehicle editor. [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Belt physics now feels much heavier and jiggles less. [*] Belt wrapping now determines segment angle using multiple samples, instead of just one. Particularly noticeable with low tension on small wheels like rollers. [*] Increased the amount of belt sag below the sprocket and idler wheels. [*] Smoothed track belts on either ends of the roadwheels. [*] Doubled maximum track belt tension. [*] Track belt sag and physics is now fully disabled when tension is set to 100%. [*] Removed the ability for the belt to sag over the tops of wheels if possible. I'll be reintroducing this later on with a better approach. [/list] Not fully satisfied with the belt physics so I'll be returning to it after 0.2 is stable. - Hamish