Gaming Tokens Pack #4: Modern & Sci-Fi Tokens and Portraits
Fiery Dragon Productions
This product contains over 550 tokens in a base 70 pixel format (for Medium-sized) and over 250 portraits, all converted and optimized for online gaming over Fantasy Grounds. Produced by artist Claudio Pozas and Fiery Dragon Productions, these tokens are framed in a fiery border. The tokens are sorted into a token module for sci-fi and one for modern tokens. The portraits are provided in separate PPK files, separated for Sci-Fi and Modern.
Once installed via the Update system, you can then activate the tokens within the Module Activation window. The portraits will show up automatically as new portrait folders when you choose to assign a portrait.
Token List- Amazon, Guards, Ape Men, Robots, Fiends, Tong Gang, Gangers
- Crime Lords, Ghouls, Super Heroes and Villains, Mobsters
- Scientists, Soldiers, Shapeshifters, Police, Spies
- Vampires, Goblins, Kobolds, Ogres, Hounds, Spawns
- Martial Artists, Scientists, Reporters, Private Eyes
- Techies, Toughs, Bodyguards, Bouncers, Bugbears
- Hacker, Infiltraters, Vehicles
- Many More
Note: The d20 Modern ruleset was used for the screenshots. That ruleset with custom extension requires a separate purchase. The portraits and tokens are usable with any ruleset.