Zero G Arena now available on Linux

Zero G Arena

Zero G Arena is an arena shooter with zero gravity, ragdoll physics, grappling beams and magnet boots

Linux support is finally here! There might still be a few hitches still on some setups, but at this point I think it should work as well as the Windows build for the majority of users. If you run into any non-trivial problems on your system, just make a post in the bug-reports forum ( ) I've been wanting to add Linux support for well over 2 years now. The problem last time I tried (before the early access launch) was that different distros had completely different and sometimes quite serious issues. Recent testing of the Linux build has only encountered minor or very intermittent issues, all of which seem to be specific to certain systems. Most users, including myself with my Ubuntu installation, don't find any issues specific to Linux at this point. Anyway, if you're a Linux user please do let me know how ZGA is running for you.