Update 49 (Version 1.2)

Zero G Arena

Zero G Arena is an arena shooter with zero gravity, ragdoll physics, grappling beams and magnet boots

This update features some pretty drastic improvements to the Customize Character menu, some AI improvements, a return of the “classic” version of the Temple map (that some long-time ZGA players may remember as being one of the three maps included at the Early Access launch) and also some contributions from Ex3m (Max Graw) in the form of some improvements to CTS_One and some cleaning out of old, unused assets which has yielded a surprising reduction in the game's storage usage. For those unaware, the weekly game sessions that were popular during Early Access have now resumed on Sundays at 19:00(GMT). Everyone is welcome and one will be taking place today so do please feel free to join and try out the new features. -Jon MAPS: [list] [*]The old version of Temple has appeared in the community made map section. [*]CTS_One now has a rounded floor transition between the sections at 90 degrees. [*]Various minor map fixes. [/list] AI: [list] [*]The bots can now observe and remember whether a weapon pickup is currently spawned. This fixes what was previously their most obviously stupid behavior, which was standing on an empty weapon spawn until it spawned. [/list] UI: [list] [*]Color wheels in character edit menu and reticle edit menu. [*]Improvements to the layout of the helmet and shoe menus in the character edit menu. [*]Aesthetic changes to the map select screen. [*]Removed redundant debug messages that spammed something about destroying sessions when a listen server host quit. [*]Added a framerate limit option to graphics menu. [/list] GRAPHICS: [list] [*]The main menu has been rendered unfestive. [/list] OTHER: [list] [*]A reduction in total file size from about 7.2GB to about 5.7GB from Ex3m's clearing out of the project's old, unused assets. A great result considering that this update also added content. [/list]