Update 41.5 (Hotfix)

Zero G Arena

Zero G Arena is an arena shooter with zero gravity, ragdoll physics, grappling beams and magnet boots

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25805321/f3f0d4c0856a4de1761ffeb7007c167e3a4e46dd.png[/img] There were a few issues with the last update that I thought were serious enough warrant a hotfix, so here it is. -Jon FIXES [list] [*]The stationary kicking-practice-bots have found their way back to the tutorial. Why on Earth would they want to leave? [*]The server list menu now has a sane layout again. For that matter, this is probably the sanest it's ever been. For some reason it was such an insufferable faff just getting the headings to line up with the info that I considered just claiming the bizarre text discrepancies of the update 41 menu as part of my artistic vision. [*]I've regenerated the AI navigation data for the map Inception, as I believe it was out-of-date and causing the bots to get stuck in the round room. [*]I think the problem with global stats not showing that I mentioned in the update 41 patch notes may just have been some temporary hitch with the Steam servers, as it seems to have resolved itself. [/list] OTHER CHANGES [list] [*]There will now be 3 bots on a dedicated server for a lone human player. [/list]